What's the unit of CC and how many milliliters is 1cc

What's the unit of CC and how many milliliters is 1cc

1cc = 1ml
CC stands for cubic centimeter. According to the international standard, one millionth of the length from the north pole to the equator (10000 km) passing through the original meridian of the Grenville Observatory in London must be one meter, 1 meter = 100 cm

It is often said that the volume of liquid is CC. What is 1cc?

CC is equal to milliliter, but CC can only represent the unit of liquid

What unit of volume is CC? How many milliliters is 1cc?

CC (metric volume unit)
=Cubic centimeter
(compound unit, which has strict international regulations on centimeter: centimeter is equal to one 400000 times of passing through Paris meridian)
A metric unit of capacity
=A metric unit of capacity equal to 1 / 1000 liters
The volume of 1 gram of water at 0 ℃ standard atmospheric pressure