How much area is one square meter equal to

How much area is one square meter equal to

The area of a square one meter long and one meter wide

What size of central air conditioning is suitable for a 3000 square meter office building and how to calculate it,
Six floors, a total of 3000 square meters, how to calculate the air conditioning power, how much electricity consumption per hour

Office building cooling capacity can be estimated according to 150W / m2, this area is the air conditioning area, not the building area. In the actual design, the cooling capacity per square meter requires detailed calculation, which requires a lot of data. The total installed capacity can be considered smaller, generally 70% - 80% of the total cooling capacity is calculated, which takes into account the utilization rate at the same time

How many square meters is 3000 square decimeters equal to

3000 square decimeters equals 30 square meters

How many square meters is 1 mu?
