How many meters by how many meters per mu How many square meters is an acre equal to

How many meters by how many meters per mu How many square meters is an acre equal to

666.67 square meters
It can be 66.67x10, it can be 6.67x100, and there are many situations

How many centimeters is two feet three?

1 foot = 33.33cm
Two feet three is 76.659 cm

How many centimeters is two feet three

Because one meter equals three feet, one foot equals one third of a meter
3 feet 1 = 3.1 × 1 / 3 = 31 / 30m ≈ 103.3cm;
2 feet 3 = 2.3 × 1 / 3 = 23 / 30 m ≈ 76.6 cm