How many tiles do you need to paste on the wall of 60 square decimeters? How many tiles do you need to paste on the wall of 120 square decimeters? How many tiles do you need to paste on the wall of 240 square decimeters and 480 square decimeters?

How many tiles do you need to paste on the wall of 60 square decimeters? How many tiles do you need to paste on the wall of 120 square decimeters? How many tiles do you need to paste on the wall of 240 square decimeters and 480 square decimeters?

In the 60 square decimeter wall paste such tiles, need 60 △ 6 = 10
120 square decimeter 120 △ 6 = 20 pieces
240 square decimeter 240 △ 6 = 40 pieces
480 square decimeters 480 △ 6 = 80 pieces

There are 120 standard rooms in a hotel. When the standard room price is 100 yuan, it is full every day. Market research shows that when the single room price is between 100 yuan and 150 yuan (including 100 yuan and 150 yuan), every 10 yuan increase will reduce the average daily occupancy by 6 rooms. If other factors are not considered, when the hotel increases the standard room price to how much yuan, the daily turnover of the guest room is the largest?

If the daily rent of a hotel room is increased by x 10 yuan, 6x rooms will be vacant, and the total income of the room rent is y. from the title, we can get: y = (100 + 10x) (120-6x) (10 ≤ x ≤ 50 and X is an integer) = 60 (- x2 + 10x + 200) = - 60 (X-5) 2 + 13500. When x = 5, ymax = 13500. Therefore, when the rent of each room is 100 + 10 × 5 = 150 yuan, the total income of the room rent is the highest, and the daily rent is 13500 yuan

There are 120 guest rooms in a hotel. The daily rent is 50 yuan. The hotel is full every day
After decoration, the rent should be increased. According to market research, if the daily rent of a guest room is increased by 5 yuan, the daily rent of the guest room will be reduced by 6. If the daily rent of each guest room is increased to X Yuan, the total income of the guest room rent is y yuan
(1) The relationship between Y and X is represented by function expression, cousin and image respectively?
(2) What is the value range of the independent variable x?
(3) When the daily rent of the guest room is how many yuan, the total income of the guest room rent is the largest?

2. X is greater than or equal to 50
3. Because it is a quadratic equation, the maximum value is obtained when x = - B / 2a, so x = - 180 / 2 / 1.2 = 75