A carton is 50cm in length, 20cm in width and 9cm in height. How many biscuit boxes can be packed in the carton

A carton is 50cm in length, 20cm in width and 9cm in height. How many biscuit boxes can be packed in the carton

The length of the biscuit is 19 cm, similar to the width of the big box, just put down
It depends on the length of the large box and the width of several boxes of biscuits: 50 △ 9.8 = 5.10
Therefore, each box can be placed at most one layer, 5 boxes per layer

There are 2 cartons. One carton contains 7 bags of biscuits with a total weight of 5 kg. The other carton contains 13 bags of biscuits with a total weight of 8 kg. How many grams do each bag of biscuits and carton weigh

Solution 1 (method of square)
Set: Biscuit weight x g, box weight y G
The solution is: x = 0.5
Solution 2 (algebraic method)
Biscuit weight per generation = (13-7) / (8-5) = 0.5 (kg)
Box weight = 5-0.5 * 7 = 1.5 (kg)

This carton is made of a cube carton with a side length of 2 decimeters (the seams are ignored)
(1) How many cubic decimeters can the carton hold?
(2) 80% of the cardboard is used to make this carton. What's the area of this cardboard?
Pine trees, Magnolia and osmanthus trees are planted in the campus. Among them, magnolia trees account for 1 / 3 of osmanthus trees, pine trees account for 3 / 10 of osmanthus trees, and magnolia trees account for 30. How many pine trees are there in the campus?

1) 2 × 2 × 2 = 8 cubic decimeter
2) 2×2×5÷80%
=25 square decimeters
=27 trees

How many meters is the perimeter of a 100 mu square?

100 mu = 10000 square meters
10000 square meters = 100 meters * 100 meters
100 * 4 = 400m
Answer: the perimeter of 100 mu square land is 400 meters

What is the perimeter of a 3000 mu piece of land

I remember you asked this question. I also said that there is no difference in shape, but there is a lot of difference in perimeter. One mu of land has an area of 666.7 square meters, 3000 * 666.7, about 2 million square meters. A square has a side length of 1414 meters, 15 mu of land is 10000 square meters, and 3000 mu of land is 2 million square meters. If it is a square, the side length is 1.414 kilometers, and the perimeter is 5

A 240 Mu rectangular land. What's its perimeter!
How long and how wide

You are so funny!
Since it's a rectangle
Its length and width are different
Let me give you a simple example
The area is 12!
3 * 4 = 12, perimeter is 14
2 * 6 = 12, girth is 16
1*12=12 26
So there are many solutions

The perimeter of a square land is 1200 meters. What is the area of this square land


Who knows how many mu of land is 3400 meters in circumference?
The terrain is between square and diamond
The answer is 260-320 mu,

1 mu is equal to 666.66 square meters
One hectare is equal to 100 square meters
What Mu are you talking about?
If the earth is square,
The urban area is about 1000 mu
About 7 thousand mu,

What is the perimeter of 10034.31 square meters

Assuming that it is a circle, the area and perimeter formulas of the circle are: Area s = π R & sup2;, perimeter C = 2 π R, R is the radius of the circle, and the radius r = (s △ π) & frac12;, then C = 2 π (s △ π) & frac12;, π is generally taken as 3.14. The result is that perimeter C = 355.01

How many cubic meters is 4 cubic centimeters, please use XXX × 10 Λ 3
