How many km / h is 50 m / s and how many M / S is 75 km / h What km / h is 50cm / s equal to? What km / h is 30dm / s equal to

How many km / h is 50 m / s and how many M / S is 75 km / h What km / h is 50cm / s equal to? What km / h is 30dm / s equal to


At the height of 10 cm above the ground, fireworks with mass m equal to 200 g are emitted vertically at the speed of UO equal to 30 m / s
When the fireworks reach the highest point of explosion, the air resistance is not considered
(1) (2) the gravitational potential energy increased by the ascent to the highest point (3) the height above the ground when the ascent to the highest point

1. The mechanical energy of the first launch is equal to the sum of kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy of the first launch, e = 1 / 2 MV0 & # 178; + mgh0 = 1 / 2 × 0.2 × 30 & # 178; j + 0.2 × 10 × 0.1, j = 90.2 J2. The increased gravitational potential energy of the fireworks rising to the highest point is equal to its reduced kinetic energy, Δ EP = 1 / 2mv0 & #

How many meters is 10 cm

0.1 M

When the diameter of tap water is 3 / 4 inch, the water pressure is 0.2MPa, and the diameter of tap water is 14mm, how to calculate the flow rate

1. Calculate the cross-sectional area of the pipe with the inner wall radius of the pipe
2. The flow rate is equal to the flow rate multiplied by the cross-sectional area
3. Subtract the resistance when passing through the valve

Calculation of pipe diameter with known water pressure and hourly flow
Known: the flow rate is 30 tons per hour, the pressure is 0.3 MPa, the medium is water, how thick the pipe is needed, it seems to be something of fluid mechanics, too abstruse, can you give a general formula?

If the flow rate is stable, you can use the following formula to calculate q = 4.44f * ((p2-p1) / ρ) 0.5, flow rate Q, flow area F, pressure difference between front and back p2-p1, density ρ, 0.5 is 0.5th power. All the above are international system of units. The applicable medium is liquid, such as gas, which needs to be multiplied by a factor. The relationship between q = f * V and pipe diameter can be calculated

How much heat does 4kg water need to increase by 20 degrees


When the water temperature rises from 20 ℃ to 30 ℃, the heat absorbed is 4.2x104j, what is the mass of water


① The mass of water is 10kg, and the temperature is 20 ℃. After absorbing 1260000j of heat, how much ℃ will the temperature rise to?
② Put 500g water into the beaker, and the temperature of the water is 20 ℃. Then use the alcohol lamp to heat the water until the water temperature rises to 70 ℃
1. How much is the internal energy of water increased in the above process?
2. The heat absorbed by water is equal to all the heat released by alcohol combustion. Why?
The above questions are answered with known. Ask. Answer

① It is known that C (water) = 4.2 * 10 ^ 3 J / (kg * ℃), q = 1260000j, M = 10kg, to = 20 ℃
Ask: TT
∵ Q = mCΔt
The temperature change of water Δ t is
Δt = Q/(mC) = 1260000J / ( 10kg * 4.2*10^3 J/(kg*℃) ) = 30℃
∴Tt = To + Δt = 20℃ + 30℃ =50℃
A: the water temperature will rise to 50 ℃
It is known that C (water) = 4.2 * 10 ^ 3 J / (kg * ℃), M = 500g, to = 20 ℃, TT = 70 ℃
Ask: the internal energy increment of water Q
∵ water temperature change Δ t = TT - to
∴Δt = 70℃ - 20℃ = 50℃
∵Q = mCΔt
∴Q = 0.5kg * 4.2*10^3 J/(kg*℃) * 50℃ = 1.05*10^4J
The internal energy of water increased by 1.05 * 10 ^ 4J
A: the increase in the internal energy of water is not equal to all the heat released by the combustion of alcohol, because when the alcohol lamp heats the beaker, the asbestos net is also heated, and its source is the combustion energy of alcohol. At the same time, the molecules in the air will absorb the heat of the combustion of alcohol and speed up their molecular movement. Therefore, not all the heat released by the alcohol lamp is converted into the internal energy of water, That is, the heat absorbed by water is not equal to all the heat released by alcohol combustion

Heating 20 cubic meters of water from 20 ℃ to 30 ℃, steam boiler or hot water boiler? Which is more economical?
What's the best specification for boiler

The hot water boiler is good

I would like to ask, 1 liter of sugar water is equal to a good kilogram?

1 kg = 1000 g = 1 kg = 0.001 T, 1 kg = 1 kg. If you want to convert volume unit into mass unit, it depends on the density of material. For example, 1 liter of water is 1 kg, 1 cubic meter of water weighs 1 ton. 1 liter of gasoline weighs 0.73 kg, 4191.66 liter of gasoline weighs 3059.9118 kg, equivalent to 3.0599118 tons