How many meters is a light year?

How many meters is a light year?

The distance of a year is 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 3 * 10 octave = 9.5 * 10 15th power

72m/s= km/h

72 meters in one second, 72 * 60 * 60 = 259200 meters in one hour
So 72m / S = 259.2km/h
A formula x m / S = 3.6 * x km / h

M / s equals km / h

1 m / S = (1 / 1000) km / (1 / 3600) H = 3.6 km / h
1 km / h = 1000 m / 3600 s = 1 / 3.6 m / S

Who knows how many cubic meters of methane a can of gas is equivalent to

You should be talking about liquefied gas? Every kilogram of liquefied gas is equivalent to 1.7143kg of standard coal. The weight of each tank of liquefied gas is 14.5kg, equivalent to 24.86kg of standard coal. Then, every cubic meter of biogas is equivalent to 0.714kg of standard coal. 24.86/0.714 = 34.82m3. That is to say, a tank of liquefied gas is equivalent to 34.82m3 of biogas

How many liters of LPG is a cubic meter of biogas?

A cubic meter of biogas combustion heat is equivalent to 300 liters of gaseous liquefied gas combustion, the calorific value ratio is 1:3, that is to say, the same amount of liquefied gas combustion heat is about three times of biogas

How much does a cubic meter of biogas cost

Biogas is a kind of mixed gas, mainly composed of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (C02). Methane accounts for 60% - 70%, carbon dioxide accounts for 30% - 40%, and a small amount of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, oxygen and nitrogen
According to the standard gas volume of 22.4l/mol, one cubic meter is 1000L, which is 44.643mol
The average molecular weight of methane is 16, accounting for 65% on average, and that of carbon dioxide is 44, accounting for 35% on average. The average molecular weight is 16 * 0.65 + 44 * 0.35 = 25.8g/mol,
So the weight of 1 cubic meter biogas is 44.643mol * 25.8g/mol = 1151.55g
1151.55/500 = 2.3 Jin
It should be about this heavy. If impurities and non-standard conditions are considered, it should be about 2 kg, lighter than this number

What's the daily biogas production of 500 cubic meters anaerobic tank?

According to the parameters of the second generation anaerobic reactor
The COD load of 5 kg per cubic meter per day and the removal rate of 75% in the anaerobic reactor are 3.75 kg per cubic meter per day
Therefore, 500m is to remove 1875kg cod, and the gas production per kg cod is 0.5m, so the daily biogas production is 937.5m3

What is the electronic formula of methane?

The molecular formula of methane is CH4, the outermost layer of carbon atom has four electrons, and it needs four more electrons to reach the 8-electron stable structure; the outermost layer of hydrogen atom has one electron, because the outermost layer of hydrogen atom is the k-layer, the two electrons reach the peripheral electron stable structure like he. Therefore, each of the four hydrogen atoms takes out one electron to form a pair of shared electrons with the carbon atom

What volume of desulfurizing tower is needed to treat biogas with a daily output of 1000 cubic meters

The flow rate is relatively small, so the desulfurization tank can be used

How many kilograms is a cubic meter of pure natural gas equal to

There is no so-called "pure natural gas" in the world!
Natural gas itself is a mixture of methane, ethane, propane and butane
If you have to give the landlord an answer, the answer can only be: 0 kg