1.75 hours is equal to 1 hour, 45 minutes how to calculate

1.75 hours is equal to 1 hour, 45 minutes how to calculate

1.75 hours = 1 hour + 0.75 hours 1 hour = 60 minutes 0.75 hours = 0.75 × 60 = 45 minutes 1.75 hours = 1 hour 45 minutes

How many hours
35 minutes equals 0. A few hours

35 / 60 = 7 / 12 hours = 0.583 hours

How many hours is 35 minutes

Equal to:
7 / 12 hours

How many degrees is 120 degrees in 45 seconds

45 △ 60 = 0.75 points
0.75 △ 60 = 0.0125 degrees
The answer is 120.0125 degrees

How many minutes is 120 degrees

Because the conversion unit is divided into minutes × 60
So 120 × 60 = 7200
If it is converted into seconds, it is metrized seconds × 3600 (60 × 60)
Hope you can help!

When is 0.52 day

52 days = 0.52 × 24 = 12.48 hours
48 = 0.48 × 60 = 28.8 points
52 days = 12:28.8
Your adoption is the driving force of my answer!

What's 3 out of 8
It is known that a × 3 / 5 = B × 5 / 3 = C / 5 / 4 (a, B, C are not 0), the order of a, B, C from large to small is?

22.5 points

When is 2.45

This is a decimal conversion time of 60
45 = 27 points
The time is 2:27

2 hours 45 minutes=______ Hours

2 hours 45 minutes = 234 hours

How many seconds is three hours?
How many minutes is an hour?

One hour is 3600 seconds, so three hours is 10800 seconds
60 minutes is an hour
Brother, are you kidding us?