Junior high school mathematics an equation, solve (X-4)^2+64=X

Junior high school mathematics an equation, solve (X-4)^2+64=X


It is known that the equation a (x-3) + B (3x + 1) = 5 (x + 1) with respect to X has infinite solutions, then a + B=______ .

If we remove the brackets from the equation, we obtain the following results: (a + 5, B = 3 A + 5, B = 3 A + 5)

(5) The fourth power of. X - X & sup3; + 4x & sup2; + 3x + 15
Wrong, simplification

= a²b²-4ab+3
= x³-2 x²- x²+4
= x²(x-2)-(x+2)(x-2)
=(x-2)( x²-x-2)
=(x-2)(x-2)(x+1) =(x-2) ²(x+1)
= a³(b-c)+ b³ c- b³a+ c³a- c³b
= a³(b-c)+( b³ c- c³b)+( - b³a+ c³a)
= a³(b-c)+ bc(b²-c²)+a(c³-b³)
= a³(b-c)+ bc(b+c)(b-c)+a(c-b)( c²+bc +b²)
=(b-c)( a³+b²c+bc²-ac²-abc-ab²)
=(b-c)(b-a)( c²+bc-ab-a²)

According to the 100 point system of 60 points, the full score is 150 points, and the pass score is ()
A. 60 B. 72 C. 90 D. 105

Suppose the full score is 150 and the pass score is X. then according to the meaning of the question, we get 100:60 = 150: X and the solution x = 90

How many seconds is an hour
How to convert 27105 seconds into 7 hours, 31 minutes and 45 seconds
The detailed algorithm is wrong. 27105 divided by 3600 equals 7.5291
It's not right. Is there something wrong with my calculator?

The quotient of 27105 divided by 3600 is hours
The quotient of the remainder divided by 60 is minutes
The remainder is seconds
What you calculate with a calculator is not the remainder after the decimal point
The remainder is 27105-3600x7 = 1905

Expressed in fractions: 25 minutes = () hours, 2500 grams = () kg

25 min = (5 / 12) h, 2500 g = (5 / 2) kg

25 min = () Min Min

25 minutes = (5 / 12) hours

2.15 hours =? Hours (expressed in fractions) 3 hours 15 minutes =? Hours

0.15 hours (* 60) is 9 minutes, 2.15 hours is 3 hours of 2 and 20, 3.15 is 3 hours of 3 and 20

Minimum score: 45 minutes=______ Hours

45 △ 60 = 4560 = 34 (hours); so the answer is: 34

100 minutes equals () hours, 45 minutes equals () hours
9 △ () = parts of 10 = 0.6 = parts of 72 = 15 + () parts of 9 × 5
The decomposition quality factor is ()
The natural number a is one eighth of B. the least common multiple of a and B is () and the greatest common factor is ()
The natural number a is 11 times of B. the greatest common factor of a and B is () and the least common multiple is ()
The natural number a is the factor of B. the greatest common factor of a and B is () and the least common multiple is ()
A wire is 6 meters long. Two fifths of it is used, and the rest is ()
A cuboid is 4 decimeters long and 3 decimeters wide. Cut it into two small cuboids. Its surface area increases by () square decimeters at most, and its volume increases by () cubic decimeters

100 minutes is equal to (1 and 2 / 3) hours, 45 minutes is equal to (3 / 4) hours
9 ÷ (15) = 6 / 10 = 0.6 = 72 / 43.2 = 15:25 = (75) 9 × 5
The decomposition quality factor is (152 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 19)
The natural number a is 1 / 8 of B, the least common multiple of a and B is (b), and the greatest common factor is (a)
The natural number a is 11 times of B. the greatest common factor of a and B is (b), and the least common multiple is (a)
The natural number a is the factor of B, the greatest common factor of a and B is (a), and the least common multiple is (b)
A wire is 6 meters long. Two fifths of it is used and three fifths of it is left
A cuboid is 4 decimeters long, 3 decimeters wide and 2 decimeters high. Cut it into two small cuboids. Its surface area increases by (24) square decimeters at most, and its volume increases by (0) cubic decimeters