How to convert cm / s to m / S RT

How to convert cm / s to m / S RT

Divide the value before cm / s by 100 to get the value before M / s

Unit conversion: 72km / h=______ m/s.

72km / h = 72 × 13.6m/s = 20m / s, so the answer is: 20

What m / S is 90km / h


Specific gravity, then the specific gravity of water is 1? How many kilograms is 1 liter of water equal to?

Density of water = 1 T / m3
1 liter = 0.001 cubic meter
1 liter water = 0.001 m3 × 1 ton / m3 = 0.001 ton = 1 kg

How many grams is one kilogram of water

It's hard to say
To see the density of the liquid, mass = density x volume
For example, the density of water is 1:1
So a liter of water is a kilogram

How many kilos is a liter of refrigerant oil

It's 1.86 Jin

How many kilograms is 1 liter of cooking oil equal to?

The specific gravity of edible oil at the standard temperature (25 ℃) is about 0.83 L / kg. Therefore, 1 l edible oil is about 0.83 kg. However, with the increase of temperature, the specific gravity decreases slightly, and the specific gravity increases slightly with the decrease of temperature. Moreover, the proportion of edible oil varies slightly with different vegetable oils, but the difference is not significant

How many kilos is 1 liter 1 liter of petrochemical diesel equal to now?
Many people say that 1 liter of diesel is equal to 0.8 kg of diesel. Is that true?

The density of diesel is 0.83 g / ml, so a liter of diesel has 0.83 kg

How many jin is a liter of diesel?

Light diesel: 1 liter = 0.86kg
Heavy diesel: 1 liter = 0.92 kg
You can count on it!

How many years is a liter of diesel equivalent to 20 jin

The proportion of diesel is a little more than 0.8 kg. A liter of diesel is about 1.6 kg