Simple calculation of 7 / 12 × 3 / 4 + 15 / 48

Simple calculation of 7 / 12 × 3 / 4 + 15 / 48

The original formula is 21 / (12 * 4) + 15 / 48

Simple calculation of 7 / 16 * 17

Simple calculation of 7 / 16 * 17
= 7x17 /16
= 7x (16+1) /16
= 7x16/16 + 7/16
=7 and 7 / 16
Wuliangshou Buddha, the Buddha said that the sea of bitterness is endless, looking back is the shore!
Almsgiver, I see that you are a unique talent in the Wulin
If I devote myself to practice, I will become a great tool in the future. I just have a book in my hand, which I want to give to the benefactor
I have a little test, please click next to the answer

How can 2 / 7-9 / 16 * 2 / 7 be easily calculated

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