We took the bucket for half an hour and received 1.8kg of water. Do you know how much water a dripping faucet wastes per minute?

We took the bucket for half an hour and received 1.8kg of water. Do you know how much water a dripping faucet wastes per minute?

Half an hour = 30 minutes
1.8 △ 30 = 0.06 (kg)

A dripping tap drips 12 kilograms of water every day. According to this calculation, it will be wasted in the first quarter of 2010___ A kilogram of water

A dripping tap drips 12 kilograms of water every day. According to this calculation, it will be wasted in the first quarter of 2010__ 1080_ A kilogram of water

A dripping faucet drips 8 / 5 kg per hour, how many kg per 45 minutes

(8 / 5) * (45 / 60) = 6 / 5kg