How much water can you drip in 10 minutes when the tap is not closed? And how much water will be wasted in 24 hours

How much water can you drip in 10 minutes when the tap is not closed? And how much water will be wasted in 24 hours

The volume of a drop of water is 0.05 ml. the default is 2 seconds. A drop of water in 10 minutes is 600 seconds, 300 drops is 15 ml. 24 hours is 3600 * 24. You can calculate by yourself. We haven't learned the multiplication and division method of more than 1000
In addition, water will not be wasted, the real waste is an old battery, a paper mill
Scientists have proved that small water droplets can effectively increase air humidity

If you keep the tap on when you brush your teeth, how much water will you lose?

Because I don't know how big the tap is,
So the amount of water lost = the amount of water flowing out per unit time × the time of brushing teeth

How much water can the faucet run in an hour

It depends on the actual situation, the speed of flow and the opening speed. It takes about 22-28 cubic meters to reach the maximum