A leaky faucet wastes 1 / 25 tons of water a day. According to this calculation, how many tons of water does a leaky faucet waste in a month (calculated by 30 days)?

A leaky faucet wastes 1 / 25 tons of water a day. According to this calculation, how many tons of water does a leaky faucet waste in a month (calculated by 30 days)?

1 / 25x30 = 12 (ton)
Happy new year!
good study Day day up!

A constant dripping faucet will drain about 10.2kg of water a day. According to this calculation, how many kg of water will be wasted in a year (365)?
If each person needs about 2.5 kg of water every day, how many days can the wasted water support a person's life?
The formula! Make it clear!

According to this calculation, a year (365) will waste about 10.2 * 365 = 3723 kg of water\
This water can support a person for about 3723 / 2.5 = 1489.2 days

There is a tap in Uncle Zhang's house that leaks about 18 liters every day. Assuming that there is a tap leaking every day in this community, how many tons of water is wasted in a month? According to the average price of 5.5 yuan per ton of water, how much water does this community have to pay in a month?
I'm sorry to be in a bit of a hurry. If you have a point of view, you can say it, at least give some inspiration!

Suppose that the leaking faucet only leaks water and never uses water. It leaks 18 liters a day and 540 liters a month (18 liters / day × 30 days), which is 0.54 tons
Therefore, the community has to pay 2.97 yuan (0.54 tons × 5.5 yuan / ton) for water leakage