How many years can a city use the first drop of water from each household's tap?

How many years can a city use the first drop of water from each household's tap?

Suppose there are 1 million people and 250000 families in a city. A drop of water from each family is 250000 drops. If 20 drops per milliliter is calculated, it is 12.5 liters. It doesn't work for a city

Will the meter move when the tap drips

If the water output is less than the sensitivity of the meter, it will never go. Many people use this to steal water

There are two trains running from the opposite direction of station a and station B at the same time. The first time they met 40 kilometers away from station a, the two trains are still moving forward at the original speed
After arriving at each other's starting station, they return immediately, and then meet for the second time at a place 80 kilometers away from station A. how many kilometers is the distance between station a and station B?

The first time we met, two cars traveled a whole journey, a car: 40 kilometers
For the second meeting, if the two cars travel three full distances, then a should travel: 3 * 40 = 120 km
At this time, it is 80 kilometers away from station A. in fact, another 80 kilometers is the whole journey
So the whole distance is: (120 + 80) / 2 = 100 km