The railway between station a and station B is 1800 km long. At 10:30 pm on September 30, a train runs from station a to station B at a speed of 90 km per hour At 12:00 that night, a train was going from station B to station a at the speed of 95 kilometers per hour. What month, day and hour did the two trains meet

The railway between station a and station B is 1800 km long. At 10:30 pm on September 30, a train runs from station a to station B at a speed of 90 km per hour At 12:00 that night, a train was going from station B to station a at the speed of 95 kilometers per hour. What month, day and hour did the two trains meet

According to the meaning and known, there are: (95 + 90) x = 1800-90 (12-10.5) 185x = 1665x = 12:00 on the night of October 30, which is 0:00 a.m. on October 1, 0:00 on October 1, 0:00 + 9 = 9:00 on October 1

A train runs 80 kilometers per hour, 45 minutes from station a to station B. how long is the railway between station a and station B?

60 km. 80 / 60 * 45 = 60 km

The railway line from a to B passes through four stations (the distance between each station is not equal). How many different fares do you need to prepare for the train from a to B