If the train from a city to B city has to pass through 12 stations, how many different tickets will a prepare for the train Make it clear why

If the train from a city to B city has to pass through 12 stations, how many different tickets will a prepare for the train Make it clear why

91 kinds of tickets. From a to B, there are 12 stops, that is, there are 14 stops, from 1 to 14, 13 stops in total; from 2 to 14, 12 stops in total; from 3 to 14, 11 stops in total... And so on

How many kinds of hard seat tickets are required for a train between Beijing and Shanghai to stop at 15 stations
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A total of 15 stations, each station has tickets to the other 14 stations
So it's 15x14 = 210
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A train runs back and forth between a and B. There are four stations between the two places. How many kinds of tickets at most? How many kinds of tickets should be prepared?
Two questions, two answers

Four stations, each station needs to prepare tickets for the other three stations;
Since the price from station a to station B is the same as that from station B to station a, there are at most 12 / 2 = 6 different prices