On a section of double track, two trains run in the same direction. The speed of train a is 20 meters per second, and that of train B is 24 meters per second. If the total length of train a is 180 meters and that of train B is 160 meters, the time taken for train B to completely exceed that of train a (i.e. wrong train) is 30 minutes___

On a section of double track, two trains run in the same direction. The speed of train a is 20 meters per second, and that of train B is 24 meters per second. If the total length of train a is 180 meters and that of train B is 160 meters, the time taken for train B to completely exceed that of train a (i.e. wrong train) is 30 minutes___

Because the speed of B is fast, the total length of B is used as the distance, and the time is equal to the distance divided by the speed
160 / (24-20) = 40 seconds

On a section of track, two trains pass each other. If train a is 180 meters long and train B is 160 meters long, and the two trains miss for 1.7 seconds, given that the speed of train a is 5 meters faster than that of train B, what are the speeds of train a and train B?

A vehicle speed = [(180 + 160) △ 1.7 + 5] △ 2 = 102.5 M / S
B vehicle speed = [(180 + 160) △ 1.7-5] △ 2 = 97.5 M / S

The problem of two trains missing, and the speed of a and B are
On a section of two track railway, two trains run in opposite directions. If train a is 180 meters long and train B is 160 meters long, the time for two trains to miss is 4 seconds, and it is known that the speed of train a is 5 meters faster than that of train B per second, then the speeds of train a and train B are
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The formula for the pursuit of the travel problem: (car length + car length) / (speed sum) = pursuit time
Two car captains are the pursuit time
If we look at the known conditions, we should adjust the formula to: (car length + car length) △ pursuit time = speed and speed
Apply the formula: (180 + 160) △ 4 = 85 (M / s)
Finally, subtracting 5 from 85 and dividing by 2 equals the speed of train B: (85-5) △ 2 = 40 (M / s)
Finally, according to the velocity of B, the velocity of a: 40 + 5 = 45 (M / s)
A: the speed of train a is 45 m / s, and that of train B is 40 m / s