A fraction of a number is a fraction of another number. Find the number Two thirds of a number is three and one fourth. What is the number?

A fraction of a number is a fraction of another number. Find the number Two thirds of a number is three and one fourth. What is the number?

3 and 1 / 4 △ 2 / 3 = 13 / 4 × 3 / 2 = 39 / 8

How many parts of a number is another number
1. Mengjia village has 628 hectares of arable land, one fourth of which is planted with vegetables. How many hectares are there? 2. How many soaps are there in a box of 60, and how many soaps are there in three-quarters? 3. The auto parts factory planned to produce 8000 parts last month, and completed three fifths of the plan in the first half of the month, How many parts were produced in the first half of the month? 4. The canteen burned 12 tons of coal in March, which saved one eighth of that in April. How many tons of coal was saved? 5. Xiaojun has 28 stamps, and Xiaoli has two seventh more stamps than Xiaojun. How many more stamps does Xiaoli have than Xiaojun?

1. There are 628 hectares of cultivated land in Mengjia village, one fourth of which grow vegetables. How many hectares of land grow vegetables?
628 × 1 / 4 = 157 ha
2. A box of soap has 60 bars, and how many bars are there in three fourths of the boxes?
60 × 3 / 4 = 45
3. The auto parts factory planned to produce 8000 parts last month, and completed three fifths of the plan in the first half of the month. How many parts were produced in the first half of the month? 8000 × 3 / 5 = 4800
4. The canteen burns 12 tons of coal in March, which is one eighth less than that in March. How many tons of coal is saved?
12 × 1 / 8 = 1.5 tons
5. Xiaojun has 28 stamps. Xiaoli has two seventh more stamps than Xiaojun. How many more stamps does Xiaoli have than Xiaojun?
28 × 2 / 7 = 8 sheets

The teacher assigned 6 math problems. Xiao Liang finished 2 / 3 of them, but how many of them are left
