1.2km/min = m / s or km / h

1.2km/min = m / s or km / h


From a batch of scrap rate of 0.1, there is a probability that 20 pieces will be taken back and the scrap rate will be less than 0.15

Less than 0.15 is 0.10 0.05 0.00
The probability of 0.10 is the 18th power of 0.1x0.1x0.9 in 20 defective products and 18 intact ones
Similarly, the probability of defective rate of 0.05 is the 19th power of 0.1x0.9
The probability of 0.00 is the 20th power of 0.9

If the scrap rate of a batch of products is known to be p = 0.005, the probability of 50 of the 10000 randomly selected products is ()
A.0.056 B.0.035 C.0.025 D.0.016
I Know,
It's two years since I graduated from University, but I've forgotten the probability theory (normal distribution) and I don't know which primary school to send my textbook to

Binomial distribution
The probability of 50 pieces of waste products out of 10000 pieces of products is

How long does it take for a Boeing 747 to fly around the earth?

If it takes 40 hours to make a circle along the equator, if it takes off and lands at the same place at the South or north poles, excluding the take-off and landing time, the flight time in the air is 0 hours

How far is the earth from the moon, about how many kilometers? Or does it need to be calculated in light years?

According to astronomical measurement results, the distance between the center of the moon and the center of the earth is about 384000 km. As early as the 1970s, with the efforts of scientists, the measurement accuracy of the distance between the moon and the earth has been reduced to less than 25 cm. With the development of science and technology, the error has been reduced to less than 2 cm again in the mid-1980s
It doesn't take light years for such a little distance!

What is the distance between the moon and the earth

The moon is the closest object to the earth. Its average distance from the earth is about 384401km. Its average diameter is about 3476km, which is 3 / 11 of the diameter of the earth. The surface area of the moon is 38 million square kilometers, which is not as large as that of Asia

The average distance between the earth and the moon____ Kilometer

The average distance between the earth and the moon__ 384000__ Kilometer

What is the average distance between the earth and the moon

The average orbit radius is 384400km, the orbit eccentricity is 0.0549, the perigee distance is 363300km, and the apogee distance is 405500km

What is the average distance between the earth and the moon

The average orbit radius is 384400km, the orbit eccentricity is 0.0549, the perigee distance is 363300km, and the apogee distance is 405500km

What is the average distance between the earth and the moon?
Unit: km

380000 km