1 / 2 divided by 1000 is represented by scientific counting

1 / 2 divided by 1000 is represented by scientific counting

1 / 2 divided by 1000
If you understand, and solve your problem, please timely adopt as a satisfactory answer!

How to express 981.2 by scientific counting?
It's negative 981.2


2 hours are expressed as seconds by scientific counting


On a map with a scale of 1:200000, the distance between a and B is measured to be 3cm. If a and B are drawn on a map with a scale of 1:50000
How many centimeters is the distance between the two places?

3 * 200000 / 50000 = 12cm

On the 50 million map, the distance between the two places is 1.3 cm, and the distance between the two places is expressed by scientific and technological method [unit]

I don't know how you ask such a question, a primary school geography? A standard map has a scale, usually n: M
The values of N and m are different according to the actual situation. The distance you measured on the map multiplied by the proportional relationship of the map you used is the distance between the two places

The distance between the two places measured on the 1:50 million scale map is 25 cm. How many kilometers is the actual distance between the two places expressed by scientific and technological method?

25cm * 50000000 = 1.25 * 10 ^ 10cm = 1.25 * 10 ^ 5km

If a map is marked with a scale of 1:100000, one centimeter on the map actually indicates how far away it should be
On the meaning of comparison

The scale is 1:100000, which is 1cm on the map. In fact, it is 100000 cm, which is 1000 meters

On a map with a scale of 1:100000, 2cm represents the actual distance () km?

On a map with a scale of 1:100000, 2cm represents the actual distance of (2) km

On the map of 1 / 100000 scale, the distance between A. B and A. B is 3.6cm, then the actual distance between A. B and A. B is () km

3.6 × 100000 = 3600000 cm = 36 km
The actual distance between A. B and A. B is (36) km

On a map with a scale of 1 / 100000, the distance between a and B is 2cm. How many kilometers is the actual distance between a and B

2x100000 = 200000 cm = 2 km (km)