The diameter of the moon is 3476km, and the distance between the moon and the earth is 384401km. What is the diameter of the moon measured by the eye on the earth? What's the apparent diameter of the moon

The diameter of the moon is 3476km, and the distance between the moon and the earth is 384401km. What is the diameter of the moon measured by the eye on the earth? What's the apparent diameter of the moon

The apparent diameter is not calculated in meters, that is, it is not long. Its complete definition is as follows: the apparent diameter is the apparent size, that is, the visual angle of an object seen by the naked eye. The units are degrees, minutes and seconds. If a visible object is closer to us, it looks larger, that is, the apparent diameter is larger. The farther the object is away from us, then the object can see

M is the mass of the earth, R is the radius of the earth, and R is the distance from the moon to the earth
(1) gravity acceleration of objects on the ground g = GM / r2;
(2) the acceleration of the moon a month = GM / r2 month to earth;
(3) given that rmonthly land = 60R, use (1) (2) to find a month / g
(4) it is known that R is 3.8 × 108m and t is 27.3 days;
(5) given the gravity acceleration g = 9.8m/s2, use the month a calculated in (4) to calculate the month a / g

1. Let the mass of the object M1, the constant of gravitation g, according to the law of gravitation, the earth's force on the object f = mg, Mg = g * m * m / R ^ 2G = GM / R ^ 22, the earth's force on the moon F1, the force as the centripetal force of the moon around the earth, m (month) * a (month) = g * m (month) * m / R ^ 2 (Moon earth), a (month) = g * m / R ^ 2 (Moon earth) 3

How many meters is three millimetres? How many meters is one nanometer
How many millimeters is a nanometer equal to? How many times is a nanometer equal to a millimeter?

3mm = 3 × 10 ^ - 3M 1nm = 1 × 10 ^ - 9m 1nm = 1 × 10 ^ - 6mm 1nm is one tenth of a millimeter

How many absolute values are there

There are two, five and - five

-Absolute value of 3 ^ 3 - (- 5) d ^ 3 * (2 / 5) - 18 / - (- 30 ^ 2)
The absolute value of the third power of minus three minus five multiplied by minus two fifths minus eighteen divided by the negative square of minus three

The absolute value of the third power of minus three minus five multiplied by minus two fifths minus eighteen divided by the negative square of minus three
=(-3)^3 -|(-5)^3|* (-2/5 -(-18)/(-(-3)^2))
=-27-(-125)* (-2/5 -(-18)/(-9))
=-27-(-125)* (-2/5 -2)
=-27-(-125)* (-12/5)

The absolute values of the following groups were compared: 1.1.5 vs. 4.2. - 2 vs. - 7.3. - 3 / 2 vs. - 5 / 2.4. - 0.4 vs. - 1 / 5 note:

For example, the distance between 1.5 and the origin of the number axis is 1.5, while the distance between 4 and the origin of the number axis is 4, so 4 > 1.5

What are the numbers whose absolute value is greater than 7 / 3 but not greater than 5

In the real range - 7 / 3 > x > = - 5 or 7 / 3

If the absolute value of a number is 4, then the number is ()
The number with absolute value equal to 0 must be 0, that is, the number with the smallest absolute value is (). There are two numbers with absolute value equal to a positive number, and these two numbers are () if two numbers are opposite to each other, then the absolute value of these two numbers () if the absolute values of two numbers are equal, then these two numbers ()
If | A-2 | + | B + 1 | = 0, then a = (), B = ()
If | x | = 2, then x = (), if | - x | = 2, then x = (), if | - x | = | - 2 |, then x = ()

If the absolute value of a number is 4, then the number is ± 4, and the number whose absolute value is equal to 0 must be 0, that is, the number with the smallest absolute value is (√). There are two numbers whose absolute value is equal to a positive number, and these two numbers are (opposite to each other). If two numbers are opposite to each other, then the absolute values of these two numbers are (equal to each other)

If the absolute value of a in a = - 1, what number is a

Negative number

If a represents a number, then - A represents (), and the absolute value of a represents ()

-A is the opposite of the number, and the absolute value of a is the distance from the number to the origin