In a division formula, the quotient is 6, and the divisor can be divided by 7. What numbers can the divisor be?

In a division formula, the quotient is 6, and the divisor can be divided by 7. What numbers can the divisor be?

42N (natural number except 0), well, someone answered, I'm talking nonsense, please ignore me, I drift by

The divisor of the following formula is the same, can you come out in the next day?
( )÷6=( )…… 3 ( )÷8=( )…… seven
( )÷7=( )…… 4 ( )÷9=( )…… three
It's only five minutes

( 21)÷6=( 3 )…… 3 ( 15 )÷8=( 1 )…… seven
( 11 )÷7=( 1 )…… 4 ( 21 )÷9=( 2 )…… three

In an integral division formula, the quotient is 8, the sum of divisor and divisor is 108, what is the divisor?

(1) = 108
Divisor = 12 × 8 = 96