123456789 in the nine palace grid, horizontal, vertical and oblique, every three numbers add up to a sum

123456789 in the nine palace grid, horizontal, vertical and oblique, every three numbers add up to a sum

Both horizontal and vertical columns have three lattices, and the sum of the three numbers of each row, each column and two diagonals is equal, equal to 15
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2

Fill the 16 numbers 1 - 16 in the nine square so that the sum of the four numbers is equal to the same number

1 15 14 4
12 6 7 9
8 10 11 5
13 3 2 16

Arrange the 16 numbers 1-16 according to a certain rule, and finally ensure that the sum of horizontal, vertical and oblique is equal to 34!

1 15 14 4
12 6 7 9
8 10 11 5
13 3 2 16