Take the approximate value of 605087 to ten thousand bits, which is about () with the rounding method!

Take the approximate value of 605087 to ten thousand bits, which is about () with the rounding method!

605087 take the approximate value to 10000, which is about (610000)

1. Using the rounding method, find the approximate value of 7531000 (accurate to 10000 bits) is_____ 2. Measure the approximate height of a classmate
1. Using the rounding method, find the approximate value of 7531000 (accurate to 10000 bits) is_____
2. The approximate height of a classmate is about 1.66 meters, which means that the range of his accurate height h is_____
330500 is accurate to____ Approximate number of bits

7.53 million cm

Use the rounding method to approximate 846.31 as required. The error in the following four results is ()
A. 846.3 (keep four significant digits) B. 846 (keep three significant digits) C. 800 (keep one significant digit) d. 8.5 × 102 (keep two significant digits)

A. 846.31 ≈ 846.3 (keep four significant numbers), so this option is correct; B, 846.31 ≈ 846 (keep three significant numbers), so this option is correct; C, 846.31 ≈ 8 × 102 (keep one significant number), so this option is wrong; D, 846.31 ≈ 8.5 × 102 (keep two significant numbers), so this option is correct; so select C