There is a seven digit number. The sum of the numbers in each digit is 55. After adding 2 to this number, we get a new number. The sum of the numbers in each digit of the new number is 3 What's the original number

There is a seven digit number. The sum of the numbers in each digit is 55. After adding 2 to this number, we get a new number. The sum of the numbers in each digit of the new number is 3 What's the original number

Because the sum of the new numbers is 3, which is much smaller than 55, there must be a lot of carry when adding 2, so that 9 becomes 0
The number is 1999999

There is a seven digit number. The sum of the numbers on each digit is 55. If you add 2 to this number, you will get a new seven digit number. At this time, the sum of the numbers on each digit of the new number is 3, and the original number is 3______ .

According to the meaning of the title, the sum of the new seven digit numbers is 3. It can be concluded that each digit in the new seven digit number only contains 3, 6 zeros, or 1, 2, 5 zeros, or 1, 1, 1, 4 zeros. Because the sum of each digit in the new seven digit number is 3, which is much smaller than the original 55, it shows that there is a continuous carry when adding 2

For a nine digit number, the number on the top is the largest one digit number, the number on the 100000 and 100 digits are all 1, the number on the 10000 digits is 5, and the number on the rest of you are all 0______ Read as______ Omit the mantissa after "ten thousand" and record it as about______ .

The number of writing: 900150100; 900150100 read: 90150100; 900150100 ≈ 900150000; so the answer is: 900150100, 90150100, 900150000