For an eight digit number, the high order is 7, the difference between any adjacent digits is 3, and the lowest order is 7______ .

For an eight digit number, the high order is 7, the difference between any adjacent digits is 3, and the lowest order is 7______ .

Ten million digit is 7, one million digit is 7-3 = 4, the possible situation of one hundred thousand digit is: (1) if one hundred thousand digit is 4-3 = 1, then ten thousand digit can only be 1 + 3 = 4; (2) if one hundred thousand digit is 4 + 3 = 7, then ten thousand digit can only be 7-3 = 4; similarly, there are two situations of one thousand digit, 1 or 7

A twelve digit number is 8. The highest digit number is 7. The sum of the three digits in any neighborhood is 18. What is the twelve digit number

Bit 7 is 7-bit 7-page 2, 7-bit 9-Page 3, 7-bit 3-page 4 1
You will find a single number for this group of numbers 7, 9, 3, 1 cycle
30/4 = 7 . 2
So 30 seven digit products, even multiplication: 9

1.2345 square + 0.7655 square + 2.469x0.9655 =? (can it be simple? How can it be calculated?)

Square of 1.2345 + square of 0.7655 + 2.469x0.7655