The rational numbers a and B of (a-b) ^ 2 + (B-A) A-B = AB, (AB ≠ 0) must not satisfy the relation () Selection: 1. AB < 0.2. AB > 0.3. A + b > 0.4. A + B < 0.5

The rational numbers a and B of (a-b) ^ 2 + (B-A) A-B = AB, (AB ≠ 0) must not satisfy the relation () Selection: 1. AB < 0.2. AB > 0.3. A + b > 0.4. A + B < 0.5

Let a = 1, B = 2, satisfy the condition, so option 2 and 3 are excluded;
Let a = - 2, B = - 1, satisfy the condition, so option 4 is excluded;
According to the exclusion method, we can choose 1

If the rational numbers a and B satisfy the square of ab-2 + (1-B) = 0, try to find the value of a and B?

The square of ab-2 + (1-B) = 0

A + B = A-B if a and B are rational numbers, the value of AB is?
Thank you for telling me

According to the condition, a = 0, B