Why is the earth's orbit around the sun elliptical? Elder brothers and sisters, if you tell me, I will always be happy! This problem has been haunting me for several years. If you don't know, you will have to go crazy, I always wonder if there are some massive objects outside the solar system that have an impact on the revolution of the earth. If so, there may be a big black hole near the solar system. Do you agree

Why is the earth's orbit around the sun elliptical? Elder brothers and sisters, if you tell me, I will always be happy! This problem has been haunting me for several years. If you don't know, you will have to go crazy, I always wonder if there are some massive objects outside the solar system that have an impact on the revolution of the earth. If so, there may be a big black hole near the solar system. Do you agree

The elliptical orbit is a compromise between the gravity of the earth and the nearby celestial bodies. The system of only one planet and one star is meaningless. During the formation of the early solar system, the primitive planets were impacted by asteroids and a series of other disturbances, which led to the formation of elliptical orbits

The period of the asteroid circling the sun is 288 years. The ratio of the angular velocity of the asteroid and the earth circling the sun is calculated

The angular velocity is (2 π / T). (it can be reduced after one ratio, so it is also possible to use 1 / T) [t is the planetary revolution period]
The angular velocity of the earth is 1 / 1 year = 1
And the angular velocity of the asteroid is: 1 / 288
So the ratio of the two is: (1 / 288): 1
The answer is 1:288

Why is the orbit of the moon around the earth elliptical

We know that the orbit of the satellites of Jupiter and other planets is circular, and that of the earth and other planets is elliptical. Why? According to the Earth expansion theory, the reason why the orbit of the satellites is circular is because the satellites are captured, The reason why the orbit of a planet is elliptical is that the planet was formed by the explosion of the sun. Why is the orbit of a planet formed by explosion elliptical? Some scientists have put forward the collision theory and other theories about why the orbit of a planet is elliptical. The collision theory holds that during the formation of the early solar system, The primitive planets were impacted by asteroids and a series of other disturbances, which led to the formation of elliptical orbits. This is called planetary migration theory. However, the collision theory is difficult to explain the abnormal distribution of angular momentum in the solar system. Therefore, there is no convincing scientific statement. The Earth expansion theory holds that the reason why the planetary orbit is elliptical is that the solar system was formed by the explosion of the primitive sun, In other words, planets were formed by the explosion of the sun. 46 billion years ago, the sun exploded due to internal nuclear fusion, and many molten fireballs flew out. The earth is one of them, The rotation direction, inclination of rotation axis and distance from the sun of these fireballs are also different. The rotation direction of Venus is opposite to the revolution direction, the rotation direction of Triton around Neptune is opposite to the rotation direction of Neptune, and Triton is also a retrograde satellite, Some small fireballs had no time to shrink into spheres, but cooled into irregular shapes, forming the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Why is the orbit of the eight major planets in the solar system elliptical? Because the planets fly away from the sun at the place where the explosion occurs at the equator of the sun, and the initial velocity of the planets is the highest at this point, The centrifugal force is the largest. From this point, the planet starts to revolve around the sun under the action of the sun's gravity. Because the centrifugal force of the planet is greater than the sun's gravity, the planet is farther and farther away from the sun, the planetary revolution speed is smaller and smaller, the centrifugal force of the planet is smaller and smaller, and the sun's gravity is smaller and smaller; when the centrifugal force of the planet is equal to the sun's gravity, The planet stops flying away from the sun (aphelion); when the centrifugal force of the planet is less than the gravitational force of the sun, under the action of the gravitational force of the sun, the planet begins to fly close to the sun, the planet gets closer and closer to the sun, the gravitational force of the sun is greater and greater, the rotational speed of the planet is greater and greater, and the centrifugal force is greater and greater; when the centrifugal force of the planet is equal to the gravitational force of the sun, The planets stop flying near the sun (perihelion). When the centrifugal force of the planets is greater than the gravitational force of the sun, the planets begin to fly away from the sun and make the second circle of revolution. It can be seen that the revolution speed of the planets at the perihelion is the highest, and the orbit of the planets is an ellipse, They have different elliptical orbits, just like the initial orbit of a satellite is elliptical, because the satellite is launched from the earth, Artificial satellites have an initial velocity to fly away from the earth. Therefore, the initial orbit of artificial satellites is elliptical, which is an iron evidence for the formation of planets by the explosion of the sun. Why are the elliptical orbits of planets different? This is because their initial velocities are different. Why are the initial velocities of planets different? This is because when the sun explodes, the material on the surface of the sun gains a large centrifugal force, That is, the initial velocity is large; the centrifugal force obtained by the matter under the sun's surface is small, that is, the initial velocity is small. The woodlike planets far away from the sun have lighter hydrogen and other substances, which are the same as the matter on the sun's surface, so they obtain larger initial velocity, and their elliptical orbits are far away from the sun; the earth like planets near the sun have heavier iron and other substances, This is the same as the matter under the surface of the sun, so they get a smaller initial velocity. Their elliptical orbit is closer to the sun. Why is the orbit of a planet's satellite circular? According to the Earth expansion theory, because the satellite is floating by the planet, unlike the planet formed by the explosion of the sun, the orbit of the satellite is circular, The eccentricity of Phobos is 0.0002, and that of Triton is 0.0000. The moon is also a satellite. Why is it that the moon's orbit around the earth is not a circle, but an ellipse with a flattening ratio of 0.006? According to the Earth expansion theory, when the moon moves between the sun and the earth, it is apogee, and when the moon moves to the other side of the earth, it is perigee, This is mainly due to the gravity of the sun. When the moon moves to the apogee between the sun and the earth, it shows that the orbit of the moon around the earth is originally circular, but it turns into an ellipse because of the gravity of the sun. Most of the orbits of satellites around planets are circular, but some of them are nearly circular, not circular