If the sunlight passes through a small square hole between leaves and a spot appears on the ground behind the hole, what is the shape of the spot?

If the sunlight passes through a small square hole between leaves and a spot appears on the ground behind the hole, what is the shape of the spot?

Or the shape of the sun -- circle

What are the shapes of leaves

Oval: oval in shape, the widest in the middle, and round at the tip and base, such as the leaves of camphor tree, rubber tree, rhinoceros, tea tree, black jujube tree and cherry grass, Leaflets.\x04\x03 like:.\x04\x03, three leaves or five cracks, forming a deep cut, and full form, such as cotton, castor, grape, maple and Wutong, with fan-shaped leaves: fan shaped like folding fan, with a broad and round top and a narrowing to the base, such as ginkgo leaves,.\x04\x03 rhombus: leaves with equal sides, such as rhombus and Sapium,.\x04\x03 lanceolate: also called gunlike, with broad base. If the leaf of peach, willow and bamboo is inverted lanceolate, it is called inverted lanceolate, such as the leaf of small tiller. Ovate: shaped like chicken egg, the lower part is round and wide, and the upper part is slightly narrow, such as the leaf of mulberry, sunflower and peanut. If it is inverted ovate, it is called inverted ovate, such as the leaf of Magnolia and peanut, The leaves of Eclipta prostrata are needle shaped, such as the leaves of Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus massoniana, Pinus bungeana and cactus. Scale shaped, such as scales, such as the leaves of Platycladus orientalis. Spoon shaped, such as spoon shaped, with rounded apex, gradually narrowed to the base, such as the leaves of cabbage and Plantago. Triangle shaped, such as the leaves of buckwheat, with flat base and nearly equal three sides

In the case of partial solar eclipse, is the spot of sunlight shining through the cracks of leaves still round?
Under normal circumstances, the spot of sunlight shining on the earth through the cracks of leaves is round. Why? In the case of partial eclipse, will this phenomenon change?

According to the principle of pinhole imaging, we know that the spot on the earth is actually the image of the sun. In the case of partial solar eclipse, the sun is blocked by the moon, and the image will naturally change