Is superluminal going back to the past or to the future? Why? Don't copy!

Is superluminal going back to the past or to the future? Why? Don't copy!

In theory... Because the light that our eyes receive is emitted from the sun and reflected by objects, it takes a certain amount of time (about eight minutes), so what we see now is at least eight minutes ago, but if it is faster than the speed of light, it may shorten that eight minutes to infinitesimal, so we can see the future relative to our present

Is it possible to exceed the speed of light after the speed of light and approaching the speed of light
How many meters per second is the speed of light? What is the fastest speed that human beings can reach now?
If there is superluminal speed in the future, will it enable human beings to travel in space? If there is superluminal speed, will aliens be found
And then there is
My hand is under the light (the incandescent lamp is the yellow light). When I was a child, my hand swayed under this light. At the beginning, there would be multiple shadows growing faster and faster. Later, I found that the speed of the shadow became slower and faster, and it would blink almost from one place to another. What's the name of this phenomenon

In 1983, it was agreed that the speed of light was strictly equal to 299792458 M / s. 2. Human beings could run 100 m in 9.2 seconds at most. The largest high-energy particle accelerator invented by human beings could accelerate particles to 99.9999%. The speed of light could not be equal to that of light. The speed of rocket was 10 times that of sound. 3. If we break the light screen and surpass the speed of light in the future, human beings could

Back in the past, we need to go faster than the speed of light?
In the future, it will be so slow
Take the ox cart
You think the same as I do, but it's not going to work. It's going to be slower than that
What should we do if it's so slow? People can invent fast things
But how to invent slow things?

Many people have misunderstandings
Einstein, for example, said that the light reflected by things in the past was going far away at the speed of light at that time. If you get on a spaceship that is faster than the speed of light, you will have a chance to catch up and see the situation at that time
We can only see the situation at that time, and the physical and chemical changes can not be changed or restored
If space-time transformation or time transfer is carried out, it is necessary to understand the concept of "wormhole" and the dimensions of multiple spaces,