[superluminal speed] what happens if a person walks on a train moving at the speed of light? I mean, listen to me: Let's say I'm standing on a railway that faces east and West. I'm an observer, I'm carrying a camera, and I'm fixed to a point on the railway. Then I see a train moving at the speed of light in front of me coming towards me (if I can take a picture of it, but it can't hit me). At the same time, there are two passengers on the train, a passenger a, One passenger is B. passenger a has been sleeping in the sleeper compartment of the train, and he and the train are relatively static. The other passenger B wants to go to the toilet in front to pee. When passenger B stands up and walks in the positive direction (that is, the direction of the train) at a constant speed "V", look at the train in front of me and passengers a and B on the train, What will I see? (I give the following three answers, I don't know if they are correct.) 1. The speed of a train is the speed of light, 2. The speed of passenger a sleeping in the sleeping car is also the speed of light, 3. The speed of passenger B walking to the toilet is the speed of light + V, faster than the speed of light? (this may not be right, because according to Einstein's special theory of relativity, the speed of light cannot be surpassed.) So the key question is: If the train can't go to the toilet, how can he still see if he can't go to the toilet at the speed of 50 meters I don't agree with "speed of light + V can still be regarded as the speed of light" answered by "likeren 2010" on the first floor, because the speed of light is not to be surpassed. For any object, the speed of light can only be lower than the speed of light in vacuum. It is impossible to surpass it, even if it is only 10-100 million cubic meters / second, let alone surpass the speed "V". Therefore, the answer on the first floor is groundless As for the answer of "let others not hurt" on the second floor, I think you misunderstood me. The car has been broken down, and what's wrong with this assumption? You're here to make trouble. Identification is over

[superluminal speed] what happens if a person walks on a train moving at the speed of light? I mean, listen to me: Let's say I'm standing on a railway that faces east and West. I'm an observer, I'm carrying a camera, and I'm fixed to a point on the railway. Then I see a train moving at the speed of light in front of me coming towards me (if I can take a picture of it, but it can't hit me). At the same time, there are two passengers on the train, a passenger a, One passenger is B. passenger a has been sleeping in the sleeper compartment of the train, and he and the train are relatively static. The other passenger B wants to go to the toilet in front to pee. When passenger B stands up and walks in the positive direction (that is, the direction of the train) at a constant speed "V", look at the train in front of me and passengers a and B on the train, What will I see? (I give the following three answers, I don't know if they are correct.) 1. The speed of a train is the speed of light, 2. The speed of passenger a sleeping in the sleeping car is also the speed of light, 3. The speed of passenger B walking to the toilet is the speed of light + V, faster than the speed of light? (this may not be right, because according to Einstein's special theory of relativity, the speed of light cannot be surpassed.) So the key question is: If the train can't go to the toilet, how can he still see if he can't go to the toilet at the speed of 50 meters I don't agree with "speed of light + V can still be regarded as the speed of light" answered by "likeren 2010" on the first floor, because the speed of light is not to be surpassed. For any object, the speed of light can only be lower than the speed of light in vacuum. It is impossible to surpass it, even if it is only 10-100 million cubic meters / second, let alone surpass the speed "V". Therefore, the answer on the first floor is groundless As for the answer of "let others not hurt" on the second floor, I think you misunderstood me. The car has been broken down, and what's wrong with this assumption? You're here to make trouble. Identification is over

If the train moves very close to the speed of light, the speed of the train plus B will exceed the speed of light, but due to the high-speed movement of the train, the time on the train expands. You may see that it took B 10 years to walk from the carriage to the toilet, and only 50 meters in 10 years

What is superluminal speed? What will happen after superluminal speed

Can catch up with the light before, so you can see the past, but can't change the past

Can superluminal travel through time and space
Maybe I'm curious to share my opinions with you
Many scientists are studying whether the relativistic superluminal speed can go back to the past. My personal opinion is whether the memory of the past will be forgotten or whether other people's memory will exist. I think it's unrealistic to travel through the past. I think although we can't travel through time, we can make time stagnate in the future. Of course, this is not absolute, It's like 12 hours in the day can be changed into 14 hours, after some scientific research
Maybe my intelligence quotient is limited and I can't understand the ideas of some people with high intelligence quotient. If I can go back to the past, then the world won't be called the world. No one will make mistakes or create time opportunities to make the world chaotic. I don't agree with the study of time machine. Would you like to ask your opinions
I don't agree that there will be a time machine -- I'd like to hear from you

Time is a dependent variable. It can't go back to the past. In fact, time and matter are interrelated. It's impossible for matter to exceed the speed of the universe (the speed of light), but if it is possible, it means that time will change