Why does superluminal travel through time?

Why does superluminal travel through time?

Who said that? First of all, relativity tells us that the speed of light is the limit speed, which cannot be surpassed
Secondly, if the speed of light is not the limit speed, it is faster than the speed of light, but there is no evidence to prove that it can travel through time and space. In September 2011, European scientists observed the phenomenon of neutrino faster than the speed of light. If you travel through time and space, you should not directly observe it, but you can observe it. This shows that your statement is incorrect

Faster than light, can you see the past?
If human beings fly in the universe for one second at the speed of light plus one meter per microsecond, can they see themselves in the previous microsecond?

Let me give you an example
Compare your own reflection of light to a sandbag and your retina to a hand
You throw a sandbag at a slower speed, and then reach out to block the sandbag at a very fast speed. Are you in front of the sandbag?
Similarly, if you can fly one microsecond faster than the light, regardless of the time you turn around, you will see yourself before one microsecond + one light meter. (because you are one meter / second faster than the light, you project one meter more than one microsecond ago, and this time should be included). If you work fast enough, you will still see yourself before you work

Can superlight see the past? Why?
Time shining is not time back

Theoretically, it's OK, beyond the speed of light. For example, if you go to a place 5 light-years away from the earth, you can see four years before you arrive one year