One fourth of the number a is equal to three fifths of the number B (both a and B are not zero)

One fourth of the number a is equal to three fifths of the number B (both a and B are not zero)


Number a minus number B equals 36.63, and the decimal point of number a moves to the right by two places equals number B. what is the number a?

If the decimal point of number a is shifted to the right by two places, it is equal to number B, and then number a is 100 times of number B
Therefore, B is 36.63 (100-1) = 0.37
37 × 100 = 37

The difference between a and B is equal to a, B is () the quotient of a divided by B is equal to B, B is ()

The difference between number a and number B is equal to number A. number B is (0). The quotient of number a divided by number B is equal to number B. number B is (the square root of number a)