Please write the VB expression of the random number that produces the interval of [n, M]

Please write the VB expression of the random number that produces the interval of [n, M]

Random number output to X
Random number of n to m:
x = Int( Rnd() * ( n - m )) + m

The VB expression for X to be a multiple of 5 or 7 is

x mod 5 =0 or x mod 7 =0

Find the value of the following VB expression
5>2 and 4=5
5>2 or 4=5
5>2 and not 4=5
“A”>“B” and 5>=5
“A”>“a”and 5>=5
6<16 or 43<>26 and 7>9
6<16 and 43<>26 or 7>9
not“a” >“a” and 5>=5 or 7<>7

Three operations and the priority of operators:
1. Arithmetic operators: ① *, / ② \ \ ③ mod ④ +, -
2, relational operator:=
3. Logical operators: ① not, ② and, ③ or
If there is only one operation in a formula, then relational operation has no priority, while arithmetic and logic operations have:
According to the order of ①, ②, ③ and ④
If these three operations occur simultaneously in an expression, the first operation is arithmetic operation, then relational operation, and finally logical operation
The result of arithmetic operation is a numerical value, while the result of relational operation and logical operation is a logical value (true or false)