A number of 5 times than the number of 2.6 times more than 48, what is the number? Set up equations to solve text problems

A number of 5 times than the number of 2.6 times more than 48, what is the number? Set up equations to solve text problems

Let this number be x, then:
This number is 20

Given that a and B are reciprocal, CD are opposite, and the absolute value of M is 3, find the value of ab-3c-3d of 4 parts + 2m of 5 parts

a*b=1 c=-d
When m = 3, the above formula is 1 / 4 + 6 / 5 = 29 / 20
When m = - 3, the above formula = 1 / 4-6 / 5 = - 19 / 20

If a, B are opposite to each other, C and D are reciprocal to each other, and the absolute value of X is equal to twice of its opposite number, what is the value of the third power of X + abcdx + A + BCD?
Give the answer directly

The answer is 0
If the absolute value of X is equal to twice of its opposite number, x = 0
The third power of X + abcdx + A + BCD = 0 + 0 + A + BCD = a + b * 1 = a + B = 0