When a bottle is filled with water, the total mass is 210g. If a metal block with 113g mass is put in, the total mass of the bottle is 313g. What is the density of the metal?

When a bottle is filled with water, the total mass is 210g. If a metal block with 113g mass is put in, the total mass of the bottle is 313g. What is the density of the metal?

The first bottle and water are divided into two parts, one is the mass of overflow water is set as X, the other is the mass of the remaining water and bottle is set as y, so: x + y = 210113 + y = 313, the solution is y = 200, x = 10, so the mass of overflow water is 10g, the volume of water is equal to the volume of metal, so V water = 10 / 1 = 10 cubic centimeter

There is an empty bottle with a mass of 20g. The total mass of the bottle filled with water is 120g,
If an empty bottle with a mass of 20g is filled with water and the total mass is 120g, then
(1) What is the volume of the bottle?
(2) What is the maximum amount of alcohol?

M bottle = 20g, m bottle + m water = 120g
So m water = 100g
V bottle * pwater = mwater, where p is the density
So V bottle = m water / P water = 100 / 1 = 100ml
So volume = 100 ml;
M alcohol = V alcohol * P alcohol = 100 * 0.8 = 80g
So 80 grams of alcohol

A bottle can hold 1kg of water. How many kg of kerosene can it hold? The density of kerosene is 0.8 times 103kg / m3

The same bottle contains the same volume of liquid