The weight of the hydrogen balloon is 10N, and the buoyancy of the air is 16N. Due to the horizontal wind force, the rope of the hydrogen balloon and the ground form a angle of θ = 60 ° as shown in the figure. Therefore, the tension of the rope is___ N. What is the horizontal wind___ N.

The weight of the hydrogen balloon is 10N, and the buoyancy of the air is 16N. Due to the horizontal wind force, the rope of the hydrogen balloon and the ground form a angle of θ = 60 ° as shown in the figure. Therefore, the tension of the rope is___ N. What is the horizontal wind___ N.

The horizontal equilibrium is: tcos60 ° = F & nbsp; and the vertical equilibrium is: tsin60 ° + Mg = F. the floating solution is: T = 2ff = 23nt = 43n, so the answer is: 43; 23

How to calculate buoyancy of hydrogen balloon

Buoyancy calculation is the specific gravity of the volume of the invaded fluid minus the gravity of the object itself, try it yourself!

The volume of the hydrogen balloon is 4.5 cubic meters, and the mass of the shell is 4kg. It is known that the density of hydrogen is 0.09kg. M to the negative third power. How hard can we pull the balloon

Firstly, the stress of hydrogen balloon is analyzed
Buoyancy: F = PVG (P is air density, v = 4.5H = 0.0045m3, G to 10)
F = 0.05805n
Gravity: g = mg = 0.003 * 10 = 0.03n
External force: F pull = f float - g = 0.05805-0.03 = 0.02805n

The volume of the hydrogen balloon is 4.5m3, the mass of the shell is 4kg, and the known density of hydrogen is 0.09kg * 10 ^ - 3. How much force can pull the balloon?

Air density refers to the density of 1.29kg/m3 at 0 ℃ and standard atmospheric pressure, so buoyancy f = (1.29-0.09) × 4.5 × 10 = 54n, g = mg = 4 × 10 = 40n, so tension f '= 54-40 = 14N

A balloon flying in the festival, the volume is 625m3, how much buoyancy does the balloon receive near the ground? Let the air temperature near the ground be 0 ℃, and the air density be 0 ℃
It is 1.29 kg · m-179;

Answer: 8062.5n
F floating = g row = ρ air GV row
The buoyancy of air on an object is equal to the gravity of the object expelling air

The volume of a balloon flying in the festival is 620 cubic meters. How buoyant is the balloon near the ground? Suppose the air temperature near the ground is zero degrees centigrade, the air pressure is 1 × 10 quintic Pascal, and the air density is 1.29kg/m;

F = ρ row V row g = 1.29 × 620 × 9.8 = 7838.04 (Newton)
If you think my answer is more satisfactory, because the adoption of the answer is the driving force for us to work tirelessly for it!

What is the density of carbon dioxide under standard conditions (temperature 0 ℃, pressure 101 kPa)

1.98 kg/m3

There is a helium balloon with a volume of 2000 meters. If the air density is 1.3 kg / m, how much buoyancy does the helium balloon bear in the air?
It's not just the answer that needs the formula

Formula: F = density of air × g × volume
26000n brought in data
The formula is: buoyancy = density of air or liquid × g × volume of object

There is a helium balloon with a volume of 2000 cubic meters. If the air density is 1.3 kg / cubic meter, what is the buoyancy of the helium balloon in the air

F floating = ρ air GV row = 1.3kg/m & # 179; × 10N / kg × 2000m & # 179; = 26000n

How big is the helium balloon to make a 200 Jin thing as buoyant as the air