Percentage = () unit "1" quantity × 100% growth rate = () unit "1" quantity × 100% Understand and define the meaning of percentage Reduction rate = () unit "1" quantity × 100%

Percentage = () unit "1" quantity × 100% growth rate = () unit "1" quantity × 100% Understand and define the meaning of percentage Reduction rate = () unit "1" quantity × 100%

Percentage = (Comparative quantity) △ quantity of unit "1" × 100%
Percentage = (corresponding quantity) △ quantity of unit "1" × 100%
Growth rate = (growth amount / original amount) △ amount of unit "1" × 100%
Reduction rate = (reduction amount / original amount) △ amount of unit "1" × 100%

How to convert the unit of pulling force "Niu" and "ton" in physics
How many tons is one cow? How much is 5000n? How many cows is 15 tons?

1 ton = 1000 kg
1kg = 9.8N --- > 1n = 0.102kg
1 ton = 1000 * 9.8 = 9800 n
1n = 1.02 * 10 ^ (- 4) tons
5000n = 5000 * 1.02 * 10 ^ (- 4) = 0.51t
15t = 15 * 9800 = 1.47 * 10 ^ 5N