Relationship between pressure and air velocity

Relationship between pressure and air velocity

That is the Bernoulli equation, which is p + 1 / 2 ρ V ^ 2 = constant, P is the pressure, ρ is the density, V ^ 2 is the square of gas velocity. It can be seen that if the density is constant, the greater the velocity, the smaller the pressure. This equation is very simple, so it is only applicable to ideal gas, that is, it can not compress gas without viscosity (friction). This is the basic relationship between the velocity and pressure of air

What is the formula for calculating the velocity and pressure of liquid?
If you know the diameter of the pipe, the pressure of the water source, the flow rate of the liquid, the diameter of the nozzle (that is, the diameter of the flower watering nozzle), the conditions may not be all used. How can you calculate the radius of the coverage area of the spray
What I want is not junior high school physics. Can I be more specific? Don't be too superficial

Pressure formula: solid pressure P = f / s pressure: P Pascal (PA) pressure: F Newton (n) area: s square meter (M2) liquid pressure P = ρ GH pressure: P Pascal (PA) liquid density: ρ kg / m3 (kg / M & sup3;) gravity formula: G Newton / kg (n / kg) depth: H meter (m) this involves a basic formula

The relationship between pressure and velocity in the pipeline should be formulated in detail
What's C? Now I know how to determine the flow rate of water under 1.6Mpa through DN50 flange,
What exactly is Z
The boss actually gave these data to request the flow rate, so we have to work out the flow rate first
Who can really help me solve the problem

The velocity of pressure pipeline can be calculated by Xie Cai formula: v = C √ (RJ), where: V - average velocity of pipeline section; C - Xie Cai coefficient of pipeline, C = R ^ (1 / 6) / N, R - hydraulic radius, for round pipe, r = D / 4, D is inner diameter; J - hydraulic gradient of pipeline, j = (h1-h2) / L

Ask answer: 30 kPa air density, and how to calculate the air density under 1 atm, ask specific formula!

From the equation of state of ideal gas: PV = NRT, then n / v = P / RT
Density of gas = m × n / v = MP / RT
Note: where m is the relative molecular mass of the gas
P is the system pressure in Pascal
R: General gas constant, unit: Joule / mole · K
T: Kelvin temperature, in K, equal to degree centigrade + 273.15
Calculation of air density at 30KPa
If the temperature is 25 ℃, then t = 25 + 273.15 = 298.15; P = 30000 Pascal; m = 29 (air is a mixture, which is the average molecular weight); r = 8.314
Then the air density at 25 ℃ and 30KPa = MP / RT = (29 × 30000) / (8.314 × 298.15) = 351g / m3
Air density at 1atm:
1atm = 100KPA, substituting into the above formula. Wait until 25 ℃, air density at 1 atm = 1170g / m3

Relationship between air density and temperature
At various temperatures, the density of air is not the same? Then what is the density of air at - 20 ℃?

It can be calculated by referring to the ideal gas formula PV = NRT
After rewriting, ρ = RT / PM, M is the average molar mass of air ≈ 29g / mol
Or it can be calculated directly from ρ 2: ρ 1 = T2: T1

Relationship between temperature and density
You have to use it when you go to school,

The formula PV = NRT of Avogadro theorem
And because V = m / density
So PM = NRT * density
Where p is the pressure, M is the mass, n is the quantity of matter, R is the constant, t is the temperature

Comparison table of air density and temperature

According to the equation of state of ideal gas (also known as ideal gas law, Clapeyron equation) PV = NRT, the following table gives some calculation results (the pressure is a standard atmospheric pressure, the unit of temperature is centigrade, the unit of air density is kg / m ^ 3, all retain three significant numbers)

The relationship between density and temperature

At a certain atmospheric pressure, the higher the temperature, the smaller the density

How to design an experiment to prove that the density of CO2 gas is higher than that of air at the same temperature and pressure

Pour a certain amount of CO2 into a bottle and put the burning stick on the bottle mouth to make it burn normally
The wood bar at the bottom of the bottle goes out, so the density of CO2 gas is higher than that of air

1. A piece of dry air and a piece of wet air have the same volume, density and pressure. Is their temperature higher than that of dry air or wet air? Please explain

High wet air temperature
The density of wet air is large under the same temperature and pressure. In order to reduce the density under the condition of volume pressure, it is necessary to increase the temperature to expand and reduce the density. The temperature of solid wet air is high