Some units of cosmetics are milliliter and some are gram. How to convert milliliter into gram?

Some units of cosmetics are milliliter and some are gram. How to convert milliliter into gram?

Gram is a unit of weight of solid. Milliliter is the volume unit of liquid. Both are a measure of how much cosmetics are. A formula is the conversion formula of the two: density = mass / volume. Simply say, if the density of this cream is lighter than water, then the cream 50g will be converted to less than 50ml, that is to say, these 50 grams are more than 50 milliliters.

How many liters of gasoline is a ton of gasoline equal to

This conversion is difficult. Ton is the quality standard, while liter is the volume standard
If you want to convert it, it can only be a rough estimate, because it is related to the density of oil. For example, the density in the first quarter and the fourth quarter is higher, which is about 0.738 kg per liter. According to this standard, it is not difficult to calculate how many liters of gasoline a ton of gasoline is equal to
1 ton = 1000 kg * 1.35 L / kg ≈ 1355 L

One ton of diesel is 8520 yuan. How much yuan per liter (yuan / liter) should I convert to?

One ton of diesel oil is equal to 1000kg, and 1000 divided by the density of diesel oil is equal to the number of liters. If it is between 0.8-0.855 of the general density of No.0 national standard diesel oil, calculate it by yourself
Formula: 8520 divided by (1000 divided by diesel density) = yuan / L

How to convert tons and liters of diesel oil

Volume * density is mass. Ton is 1000 kg. 1L is 1 cubic decimeter, which is equal to 0.001 cubic meter

Please explain the definition of aerodynamic viscosity in detail

Viscosity is a physical property of fluid, which represents the difficulty of fluid flow. The value of dynamic viscosity coefficient is usually used to measure the viscosity of fluid. The difficulty of air flow is aerodynamic viscosity coefficient

What is the coefficient of air viscosity?

The coefficient of air motion viscosity is 1.8 * 10 ^ - 5pa / s
[questions are welcome]

Specific heat capacity, viscosity, density and thermal conductivity of dry air at different temperatures
I want a more detailed point, do not want to use their own internal difference method

See for yourself & nbsp;
Physical properties of dry air
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-Can 35 diesel and 0 diesel be mixed together in cold weather
I'm a novice. Would you like to know if No. 35 diesel and No. 0 diesel can be used together? I heard that there is a partition layer and it can't be used together. Some say yes, but can it?

If it can be used, the impact will not be great, but it is better not to use it in this way. You can use the same type of oil when you reach the temperature. If you really mix it, you should pay more attention to the engine and check whether there is black smoke

In the relationship between air velocity and pressure, the constant C is expressed as
The relationship between air velocity V and pressure P can be expressed as 1 / 2 ρ V & sup2; + P = C, where C is constant, ρ is air density, and constant C is ()
When the coin is just blown up, the pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces of the coin is Δ P=
Please derive the expression of blowing speed when the coin is just blown up (expressed by ρ, s, g)

Constant C is the pressure at the air velocity of 0. The pressure on the upper surface of the coin is equal to C, and the pressure on the lower surface of the coin is p. the pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces of the coin is: Δ P = C-P = (1 / 2) ρ V & sup2; (1) when the coin is just blown up, the pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces is equal to the gravity of the coin G: Δ PS = g (2)

Why does the difference of air velocity cause pressure difference? Does velocity change air density? Or what?
Such as the title

The forms of air energy are pressure, kinetic energy and potential energy. Generally, the potential energy is ignored. When the initial energy of air is the same, the kinetic energy is larger and the pressure energy is smaller when the speed is fast, and the pressure energy is larger when the speed is slow and the kinetic energy is smaller. Therefore, the pressure of slow air flow is greater than that of fast air flow