What is the appropriate width of sidewalks for all levels of urban roads

What is the appropriate width of sidewalks for all levels of urban roads

Urban road width has two meanings: road width and road width
The width of road width, that is, the width between red lines, is the sum of all kinds of land width in the road cross section. The width of urban road should be determined according to the nature and scale of the city and the requirements of road system planning, and comprehensively consider the traffic volume (motor vehicles, non motor vehicles and pedestrians), sunshine, ventilation, pipeline laying, building layout and other factors, At the same time, it is necessary to integrate the different characteristics of urban traffic and urban construction of different cities in different periods, combine the near and far, make overall arrangements, and leave room for development
The width of road only includes the width of carriageway and sidewalk, excluding the width of urban greening along the street outside the sidewalk, which is mainly determined by the traffic volume
There is no special rigid standard. The width of sidewalk is required to be determined according to the size of the city and the flow of people. Generally, it is not less than 2m. You can check the provisions of the standard
However, according to the study of the road green paper in the United States, the width of the sidewalk as long as 0.8m is enough for people to pass, but this is the limit value, so it takes 1.6m for two people to pass. In our design, of course, the wider the better, but sometimes it is limited by the red line of buildings, depending on the situation

Calculation method of base course and pavement on municipal road?
The calculation method is (road design width + 2b) × road length. What does B stand for? Please explain in detail. Thank you?

The width of the surface layer is the design width; b value refers to the value of one side of the structure layer wider than the surface layer, which is equal to the sum of the thickness of the upper structure layer, because it is two sides, so × 2. If the thickness of the surface layer is 20cm, the width of the base layer is: road design width + 2 × 20cm; if the thickness of the base layer is 20cm, the width of the roadbed is: road design width + 2 × (20cm + 20cm)

How many lanes are generally set up on urban trunk roads? How wide is the road surface and red line width?

Generally set up two-way six lane, the width of about 20. Plus the central divider or non machine divider, sidewalk, red line of 40 mu

What is the width of the rest platform in the middle of the stairs?

8.2.4 the main evacuation stairs shall meet the following requirements: 1. The step width shall not be less than 0.28M, the step height shall not be more than 0.16m, the continuous step shall not exceed 18 steps, and when it exceeds 18 steps, the intermediate rest platform shall be set, and the width of the stair platform shall not be less than the width of the flight, and shall not be less than 1.10M; 2. Spiral stairs shall not be used

What should be paid attention to in designing space suit for landing on the moon
Can you hurry up
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Spacesuit is a kind of protective clothing which can protect astronauts from low temperature, radiation and provide oxygen for human survival. The value of American spacesuit is about 1 million US dollars. There are two kinds of spacesuits: in cabin spacesuit and out of cabin spacesuit

I want to make a staircase. The width of the staircase is 1.1 meters, the depth of the staircase is 2.7 meters, and the height of the staircase is 3.7 meters through two platforms. Among them, the height of the second platform should reach 2.2 meters, because it is necessary to enter the staggered floor space,

There are three straight runways. The first and second runways are 1.5 meters long, and each turntable is 1.1 meters (including half of the wall thickness), which is very tight and narrow. The third runway has a height difference of 1.5 meters, and the length of the runways is two meters, which is not enough. The third runway is 180 meters high, barely

Space suit is to protect the lives of astronauts, to solve what they encounter on the moon and other environmental factors on the human body

Low temperature radiation without air

The projection area of stairs is calculated, but what is the volume of stairs? The volume of stairs = the volume of steps + the volume of staircases + the rest platform
I know that the calculation of the bill of quantities of stairs is the projection area, but I check the quantities of stairs, and (1) the horizontal projection area of stairs, and (2) the actual volume of stairs (in some areas) respectively calculate the concrete volume of stair steps, stair slabs, and rest platforms. So I want to ask the second point: is the calculation algorithm?

In the calculation of stair engineering quantity, the projection area is only an index, just like the height can't fully reflect the weight
To calculate the specific volume, stair volume = step volume + stair board volume + rest platform

Why do astronauts wear spacesuits

Because the human body will explode in the sky because of its high density, but the spacesuit can solve this problem and supply oxygen

How thick marble is required for the step laying of marble stairs?

1. Marble stair step paving generally requires paving 20 thick marble