The subgrade of a highway is 100 kilometers long and 50 meters wide. How many hectares and square kilometers does the subgrade cover

The subgrade of a highway is 100 kilometers long and 50 meters wide. How many hectares and square kilometers does the subgrade cover

100 km = 100000 M
100000 * 50 = 5000000 square meters
1 hectare = 100 hectares = 10000 square meters
5000000 △ 100000 = 50 ha
1 sq km = 1000000 sq m
5000000 △ 1000000 = 5 square kilometers

The subgrade of an expressway is 100 kilometers long and 50 meters wide. How many hectares and square kilometers does the subgrade cover?

100000 × 50 = 5000000 square meters = 500 hectares = 5 square kilometers

A highway subgrade is 100 kilometers long and 50 meters wide. How many hectares does the highway subgrade cover? How many square kilometers?

100 km = 100000 M
100000x50 △ 10000 = 500 ha = 5 km2
I hope I can help you

How to classify high slope of subgrade?
How to classify the first grade high slope, the second grade high slope and the third grade high slope?

Generally, it is 8 meters

The weight of an object on the moon is one sixth of that on the earth. If an astronaut on the moon weighs 500 N more on the earth than on the moon,
How many cows does he weigh on earth? Solve the equation

Let him multiply x n on the earth
Then x - 1 / 6 * x = 500
5/6* x=500
X = 500 times 6 / 5
X = 600 n

How to measure the slope with ruler during the construction of highway subgrade?

Slope refers to the slope caused by height difference. The slope proportion and size shall be indicated in the drawing
Measuring method: measure the height of subgrade top and original floor with level, the height difference multiplied by the slope ratio is the length of grading, and then measure the horizontal length of slope with tape to check whether it is accurate

The weight of an astronaut on the moon is only 16 times that on the earth. An astronaut weighs 72 kg on the earth. How many kg has he lost on the moon?

72 × 16 = 12 (kg), 72-12 = 60 (kg); a: 60 kg weight loss

What is subgrade slope protection and what are its categories? (the more detailed the better, the more words the better)

1、 Slope protection includes: 1. Plant protection: grass planting, turfing, tree planting. 2. Engineering protection (mineral protection): frame protection, cover, face wall, dry rubble slope protection, mortar rubble slope protection, mortar precast block slope protection, anchor wire mesh shotcreting, shotcrete slope protection

The weight of an astronaut on the moon is only 1 / 6 of that on the earth. An astronaut weighs 72kg on the earth. How many kg has he lost on the moon?

Let me answer! First of all, let's understand what is weight
Weight is simply the weight of the body
So weight has something to do with gravity. That's 72 / 6 = 12
That's a 60 kilogram loss
Just answer according to the literal meaning. The question doesn't need to be so complicated. It may be a primary school question

How to calculate the "slope" in architectural design?
In the drawing, we can see that the slope is 20%. How is the 20% calculated? Is it the height difference divided by the horizontal projection length or the height difference divided by the length of the hypotenuse? There is another kind of slope expressed by decimal, such as 0.05. What's the meaning of this? Consult the builder, thank you

The tangent of the slope angle is the ratio of the vertical side of the right angle to the horizontal side
A: no matter how long your road is, as long as it is smooth, the slope of the whole road is the same, isn't it? Form a triangle with the starting level, height difference and slope of the whole road, and take the horizontal distance of 1m, 2m from the starting point If you want to design a road, you know the height difference and horizontal distance ⊿ of the road, then the slope is not the height difference / horizontal distance. Do you mean 5% for a 5 degree upslope on the horizontal plane? If so, you can do this. If you increase the horizontal distance by 5m every 100m, draw a triangle by yourself. The slope is → 5%, and the starting angle is arctan (5 / 100) = 2.862 degrees, The slope of any small triangle on this slope is the same. When designing, you should first think about what conditions you have mastered, and then deduce other data that meet this condition. It's not how you put the data together as you want