It took 50 seconds for a train to cross a 1230 meter long bridge and 70 seconds to cross a 1830 meter long tunnel at the same speed To solve the equation Find the length again

It took 50 seconds for a train to cross a 1230 meter long bridge and 70 seconds to cross a 1830 meter long tunnel at the same speed To solve the equation Find the length again

Let the train speed be x m / s. 50x-1230 = 70x-1830, x = 30
Or (1830-1230) / (70-50) = 30 (M / s)

What is the maximum length of a straight line?

China's Highway Line Design Code stipulates that the maximum length of highway straight line shall not exceed 20V (m)
If the design speed is 120km / h, the maximum length of the straight line
It is: 20 * 120 = 2400m

What is the minimum length of straight lines between curves in the same direction

When the design speed is greater than or equal to 60 km / h, the minimum length of straight line between curves in the same direction (in M) should not be less than 6 times of the design speed (in km / h); when the terrain conditions and other special conditions limit, the minimum length of straight line should not be less than 3 times of the design speed (in km / h)

In the particle of ro3n -, there are x electrons outside the nucleus. If the mass number of R atom is a, then the number of neutrons in the R nucleus is 1 mol. there are mol protons in the particle
It's mainly the latter question, which has an answer but is not sure,

Let R be the number of protons in R nucleus
The number of electrons outside the nucleus of R atom is also r
According to the meaning of the title: R + 8 * 3 + n = X
Then the number of neutrons in R nucleus is A-R = a - (x-24-n) = A-X + 24 + n
The number of protons in the particle is (x-24-n + 8 * 3) mol = (x-n) mol

What is filled subgrade? What is cut subgrade? (low embankment - what is the meaning of slope height in filled subgrade with slope height less than 1m?)

The simple description is: Fill Subgrade: the subgrade section whose design elevation is higher than the ground elevation. Cut subgrade: the subgrade section whose design elevation is lower than the original ground elevation. The slope height described here: the slope top design elevation minus the slope toe elevation is the slope height

The number of particles of any particle in 1mol
I don't know the formula n = n / Na very well. Can you explain it in detail?

N refers to the "amount of matter" of a specific substance, the unit is mol. and N is the total number of particles contained in the substance (this number is very large). Na is the amount of particles contained in each mol substance, which is called "Avogadro constant". Symbol: Na, its value is 6.02 × 10 ^ 23. Every mol substance contains so many particles! This point

As for the design drawing of basic farmland consolidation, how to calculate the irregular area? How to calculate the earthwork volume of filling and excavation?

1. Using planimeter is a kind of instrument for area calculation; 2. Using drawing tool Cass (CAD) to calculate area; 3. Drawing on checkerboard and checking the number of occupied cells, calculate them in proportion; 4. Dividing irregular area into small similar regular areas and calculating them separately. The first two kinds of area calculation are fast. Fill and cut: according to the datum line you give

The mass of 1mol oxygen is 32g / mol, right?

No, the unit is wrong
The molar mass of oxygen is 32 g / mol
The mass of 1mol oxygen is 32g

What is the difference between tread width and section width?

Looking at the picture I sent, the section refers to the distance between the two sidewalls after cutting off the tire, and the tread refers to the part contacting the ground

What factors affect the volume of 1mol substance

Because the volume of a substance is affected by the external environment (the above two factors), in order to facilitate the study, we have formulated a standard state: the so-called standard state is the state of the substance under the specified temperature T and standard pressure P, referred to as the standard state