1. How many kilograms of distilled water should be added to dilute 1000 grams of 95% alcohol into 75% medical alcohol? equation

1. How many kilograms of distilled water should be added to dilute 1000 grams of 95% alcohol into 75% medical alcohol? equation

Let x g of water be added
X = 800 / 3 = 266.67 G
Hope to help you_ Thank you for adopting

How many ml of water is needed to dilute 100 ml of 90% alcohol to 75% disinfectant alcohol?

Mass of water to be added = 100x90% / 75% - 100 = 20ml

How many kg of water is needed to dilute 90 kg of 50% alcohol solution to 30% alcohol solution,
Who will help me? What are the specific steps, ah

If it's a mass fraction, it's very simple
(90 * 50%) / (30%) - 90 = 60 (kg)