Observe the loading process of plant cell mitosis experiment

Observe the loading process of plant cell mitosis experiment

Under the low power microscope, the meristematic zone cells (square, closely arranged, and some are dividing) can be found. Under the high power microscope, the metaphase cells (chromosomes arranged on the equatorial plate) can be identified. The cells in the interphase, pre phase, post phase and last phase of mitosis in adjacent cells can be found and identified

To observe the use of hydrochloric acid in plant cell mitosis experiment

The cells in the tissue are separated from each other, and at the same time, the cells are killed and the cell morphology is fixed
This experimental step is called dissociation, which is the first step of the experiment

Why use alcohol water bath to heat photosynthesis experiment

Alcohol is used because chlorophyll is soluble in alcohol
Because the boiling point of water is 100 ℃ under standard atmospheric pressure, it can not reach the ignition point of alcohol, so it is safer and can be heated evenly

Given the length and cross-sectional area of the pipe, any calculation of the pressure loss of gas passing through it?

1, loss along the way = slope * pipe length
2, local loss = the square of velocity divided by 2 * g and multiplied by the sum of local resistance coefficient
G acceleration of gravity = 9.81 M / S

Calculation of ventilation duct
When is "m 2" calculated by "m 2"?
2. If the mark 1600 × 320 (- 2.600) on an air duct indicates what? How to calculate? Please explain clearly
3. Is the single louver outlet the same as the double louver outlet or twice as much?

1. When is it calculated by "M2" and when is it calculated by "m"? The calculation of ventilation duct engineering quantity is generally calculated by m2, except when purchasing materials, the quantity can be calculated by meter, but the price should be calculated by square. 2. What does the mark 1600 × 320 (- 2.600) on an air duct mean? How to calculate specifically

When the gasoline engine is working, the highest temperature in the cylinder is ()
A. At the end of suction stroke, B. at the end of compression stroke, the moment of spark ignition, C. at the end of work stroke, D. at the end of compression stroke, the moment after spark ignition

A. At the end of the suction stroke, the temperature of the gas in the cylinder does not rise, so it is not in line with the meaning; B. at the end of the compression stroke, at the moment of the spark ignition, the gas in the cylinder has not burned, so the temperature in the cylinder is not as high as that after the spark ignition, so it is not in line with the meaning; C. at the end of the power stroke

The cylinder diameter of the domestic 165 single cylinder four stroke gasoline engine is 65mm, the piston stroke is 55mm, the average pressure of the gas in the working stroke at full load is 9.58 × 105Pa, and the speed of the flywheel is 1500rpm. (1) calculate the working power of the gasoline engine at full load (excluding the friction loss); (2) if 15g gasoline is consumed per minute at full load, this kind of gasoline can be used What is the efficiency of converting internal energy into mechanical energy? (the combustion value of gasoline is 4.6 × 107 coke / kg)

What is the difference between four stroke gasoline engine and four stroke diesel engine in structure and operation?

In structure, the gasoline engine has more carburetors, high voltage lines, distributors and spark plugs, while the diesel engine has more high pressure pumps;
The difference in work is: gasoline engine is steam absorption (mixed natural steam), compression, ignition, explosion work, exhaust
Diesel engine is to absorb (air), compress, pump oil (in high temperature and high pressure environment), exhaust

2. The cylinder diameter of domestic 165 single cylinder four stroke gasoline engine is 65mm, the piston stroke length is 55mm, the average pressure of gas in full load working chamber is 9.58 * 10 quintic PA, and the speed of flywheel is 1500r / min
(1) Calculate the power of the full load working chamber of this gasoline engine (excluding friction loss)
(2) If the full load working room consumes 15g gasoline per minute, what is the efficiency of this gasoline engine to convert internal energy into mechanical energy? (gasoline calorific value is 4.6 * 10 seventh power)
Don't copy it. It seems that it's wrong. I'll report you

(1) Cylinder cross area: S = 3.14x32.5 ^ 2 = 3316.625 square centimeter = 0.33 square meter, flywheel speed is 1500r / min, that is 375 times of work in one minute, distance: l = 55mmx375 = 20.6m, pressure: F = PS = 9.58 * 10 ^ 5pa x 0.33 square meter = 3.16 * 10 ^ 5N, work: w = FL = 3.16 * 10 ^ 5nx20.6m = 6.5 * 10 ^

Does compression ratio refer to the ratio of cylinder working range to combustion chamber volume

A compression ratio refers to the ratio of the cylinder volume when the intake valve is closed before the suction operation (the piston moves to the bottom dead center) and the combustion chamber volume when the compression operation (the piston moves to the top dead center). Therefore, when the internal combustion engine compression is not good, first adjust the piston and valve movement adaptation, such as (valve clearance), and then reduce the leakage, such as (cylinder liner, gas ring, valve) when necessary, to improve the compression ratio