How is medical alcohol produced? Is it made of anhydrous ethanol and water?

How is medical alcohol produced? Is it made of anhydrous ethanol and water?

Medical alcohol is commonly used by distilleries. It is made of 75% v / V and 95% v / V grain by-products, which are water-containing rather than anhydrous alcohol. The type of impurities in it determines its use
What the distillery comes out with is free of toxic and harmful impurities
Industrial purity does not contain impurities affecting product quality
The analyte does not contain impurities that affect the test results
Anhydrous ethanol you said is a kind of analytical purity, not edible

Can anhydrous ethanol mixed with water be used as medical alcohol?
Get a bottle of anhydrous ethanol, CH3CH2OH content ≥ 99.8%, methanol content ≤ 0.02%, water content ≤ 0.2%, can be used as medical alcohol after mixing water?

75% ethanol is fine

Is absolute alcohol medical alcohol

Anhydrous ethanol is obtained from 95% ethanol through different processes (lime dehydration, resin dehydration, benzene with water, glycol separation, membrane separation, etc.), with the content of more than 99.5%
Medical alcohol usually refers to 75% alcohol for disinfection, which is obtained by biological fermentation and then blended according to the concentration after distillation

Is absolute alcohol different from absolute alcohol

Anhydrous ethanol and edible alcohol, chemical composition is ethanol, the source is not the same, the purity is not the same
Anhydrous ethanol is produced by industrial fermentation, such as wood waste
Edible alcohol is prepared for grain, such as sorghum, glutinous rice, etc
Due to the unclean source, the preparation process of anhydrous ethanol is relatively simple and the cost is relatively low, so the finished product may contain toxic components, and the common methanol (also known as Xylin, which is easily obtained by wood fermentation) can cause blindness
Because edible alcohol is from grain, it can be eaten. The preparation process is relatively complex, the cost is high, and the finished product is edible
Anhydrous ethanol is prepared by distillation and other refining methods. The alcohol content is more than 99% (and 1% water / methanol). Generally speaking, the alcohol is more than 90%, and the medical disinfection alcohol is 70%
Generally, edible alcohol is not refined after fermentation, and the cost is too high, so 50 degree is already very high. Other ingredients are grain products, which have certain health care effect
In order to reduce the cost of wine making, the bad vendors use industrial alcohol instead of edible alcohol and add water. Some of them are more black hearted and use low-cost ethanol instead of industrial substandard ethanol, which contains more methanol to reduce the cost
According to the cost calculation, the price of edible alcohol is at least 10 times higher than that of grain. That is to say, one kilogram of grain can get 0.1 kilogram of edible alcohol. There is no production cost, and the price of different grains also varies greatly
The price of anhydrous ethanol is about 8 yuan per kilogram
The price of ethanol with more impurities (methanol) is 4-5 yuan per kilogram

How to transform industrial alcohol into anhydrous ethanol

Firstly, the methanol and other impurities with low boiling point in industrial alcohol are removed by distillation, and the fraction with boiling point at 78 ℃ is collected. Then, excess quicklime is added to the fraction to remove a small amount of water, and the filtrate is collected after filtration

The difference between alcohol and absolute alcohol
There is also alcohol has solid and liquid. Can anhydrous ethanol be added into solid alcohol? If it can, what substances will be released during combustion!

Alcohol is a common name for ethanol
It also means ethanol solution
Anhydrous alcohol refers to the alcohol with more than 99.5% ethanol content, also known as anhydrous alcohol

How to prepare 75% ethanol (DEPC treated water)

First configure DEPC water, 1000 ml double distilled water and 1 ml DEPC, no sterilization
The volume ratio of 100% ethanol and DEPC water is 3:1; or X% (x > 75) ethanol 75 ml, add DEPC water to x ml. after a period of time (generally about 12 hours), autoclave

To prepare 75% alcohol solution 5 kg, need alcohol () kg, need water how many kg

Alcohol 3.75 kg water 1.25 kg

How to turn 75% alcohol into anhydrous ethanol

After distillation, 95% alcohol can be obtained, and then Cao is added to absorb water to obtain 99.5% ethanol, which is called anhydrous ethanol

How to mix 95% ethanol with 75% ethanol

According to the fact that the mass of ethanol in the preparation process is fixed, that is to say (volume fraction * volume) is fixed. If 95% ethanol is 1L, then 75% ethanol is (95% * 1L) / 75%