Mr. Wang has 30 grams of 95% alcohol. How many grams of water should be added to dilute it to 75% alcohol

Mr. Wang has 30 grams of 95% alcohol. How many grams of water should be added to dilute it to 75% alcohol

Let x g of water be added
(95%*30)/ (30+x)=75%
Explanation: let's assume that water has x grams
The key to this problem is that the weight of alcohol is constant before and after adding water
So the amount of alcohol before adding water is 95% * 30
The amount of alcohol after adding water is 75% * (30 + x)
The two are equal 95% * 30 = 75% * (30 + x)
So x = 8

Doctor Zhang needs 75% alcohol to see a patient. Now he has 18 kg of 95% alcohol. How many kg of water do you need?
Make a list!

Regardless of the concentration, the solute remains the same, w1v1 = w2v2, so V2 = (w1v1) / W2 = (95% x18) / 75% = 22.8, so the total volume after dilution is 22.8l, but because 95% alcohol is 18L, so water 22.8-18 = 4.8L, by the way, is there any density? If not, the default is 1kg water = 1L, so it is 4.8kg

Doctor Zhang needs 75% alcohol to see a doctor. Now he has 95% alcohol of 18kg. How many kg of water do he need?

18 × 95% △ 75% - 18 = 17.1 △ 0.75-18 = 22.8-18 = 4.8 (kg) a: 4.8 kg of water is needed

14. Doctor Zhang needs 75% alcohol to see a patient. Now he has 18 kg of 95% alcohol. How many kg of water do you need?
It's better to make a list

It takes 4.8kg

Doctor Zhang needs 75% alcohol to treat patients. Now 45% alcohol is 18 kg. How many kg of water do you need

Well, I'll do it

Dr. Zhang needs 80% alcohol to see a patient. Now 95% alcohol is 18 kg. How many kg of water do you need? Thank you

Suppose that the alcohol is M1 kg, the solvent is m kg at the beginning, and the water is m2
The solution is m = 3.375

Mr. Wang plans to dilute 60 grams of 95% alcohol into 75% alcohol. How many kilograms of water should be added?

The original alcohol is 60 × - 95% = 57 grams
It's still 57 grams
So now it's 57 / 75% = 76 grams
A: 16 grams of water should be added

The health room needs to dilute 800 ml of 95% alcohol solution into 76% alcohol solution for disinfection. How much water should be added

Set to V ml
V=152 mL
That is, 152 ml of water is needed

How many kilograms of water is needed to dilute 95% alcohol 150 grams into 75% alcohol after adding some water?
How much water should be evaporated from 40 kg of 12.5% salt water to make 20% salt water?
Please type both questions,

1. 150 * (95% - 75%) / 75% = 40g
2. 40-40 * 12.5% / 20% = 40-25 = 15kg

The ratio of alcohol to water in a certain medicinal alcohol solution is 3:4. (1) how many grams of pure alcohol is needed to prepare 350 grams of this alcohol solution?
(2) there are 12 grams of pure alcohol in the container. When how many grams of water are added, the alcohol solution will be obtained?

1. Alcohol = 350 ÷ (3 + 4) × 3 = 150g
2. Water = 12 △ 3 × 4 = 16 G