Why do the leaves heated with alcohol bath need to be rinsed with water when doing photosynthesis experiment? Specific reasons

Why do the leaves heated with alcohol bath need to be rinsed with water when doing photosynthesis experiment? Specific reasons

The purpose of alcohol water bath heating is to remove chlorophyll and other pigments and avoid the interference of color reaction in the future. Because chlorophyll and other pigments are soluble in alcohol, the alcohol on leaves should be rinsed with clean water

Why should alcohol be used to decolorize leaves in photosynthesis

The starch produced by photosynthesis turns blue with iodine, and the chlorophyll is dissolved by alcohol to eliminate the influence of chlorophyll on color

What is the effect of adding Geranium to alcohol in the experiment of studying plant photosynthesis?

Remove the green and let the chlorophyll dissolve in the alcohol

They say it's the cylinder volume. What's the cylinder volume of dio28?

The cylinder volume of dio28 is 50cc.125 motorcycle refers to the volume between the bottom dead center and the top dead center of the piston, which is 125ml. The same is true for other cars, just like 1.0L, 1.3L, 1.5L and 2.0L as cars say

What is the clearance volume of cylinder

Due to the compressor structure, manufacturing, assembly, operation and other needs, some parts of the cylinder have a certain space or clearance, this part of space or clearance is called clearance volume (also known as harmful volume or gas storage)

During the compression stroke of a gasoline engine, the temperature of the gas in the cylinder increases by______ In this way, the gas in the cylinder can be changed; when the beverage is put into the refrigerator, the temperature of the beverage is reduced______ In this way, the internal energy of the drink can be changed

In the compression stroke of a gasoline engine, the piston does work on the gas in the cylinder, the mechanical energy is converted into internal energy, and the temperature rises, which belongs to the way of doing work; when the beverage is put into the refrigerator, the temperature decreases, and the internal energy of the beverage is transferred, which belongs to the change of internal energy by heat transfer

Can you tell me the cylinder arrangement diagram of 3-cylinder car engine
Is the three cylinder engine in-line or V-line or like V-line with one more cylinder in the middle

If there is one more cylinder in the middle of v-train, it will be in-line
I haven't seen this before, but I've seen a five cylinder Buick engine. There are two rows, three in one row and two in one row. There are two rows of valve tappets. The angle of 72 ° is one stroke. Anyway, as long as 360 ° can be divided, the engine can be made theoretically, but the technical requirements are relatively high, such as valve overlap angle, valve timing and ignition time angle are difficult to control. It is on the verge of being eliminated
The inference of 3 cylinders you said should be in-line. The structure is relatively simple. 120 ° is a stroke, and the idle speed should be thousands. The output power should also be small. It is likely to be in-line

The cylinder piston of automobile engine compresses the sealed gas and does 970j work on the gas, while the gas dissipates 230J outward due to heat transfer, so the internal energy of air () increases () J

Taking the gas in the cylinder piston as the system, then u = q-w
It shows that the internal energy of the gas increases by negative 740j, that is to say, the internal energy of the system decreases, so the internal energy of the air (increases) by (740) J

During the compression stroke of diesel engine, the change of air temperature, pressure and volume in cylinder is obvious

Temperature: gradually increasing, because the gas is compressed
Pressure: when the gas is compressed, the pressure must increase, and it increases greatly
Volume: smaller, piston moving from bottom dead center to top dead center, working volume of cylinder smaller

As shown in the figure is the cylinder of an automobile engine. It is known that the exhaust volume of the automobile engine is 2.0L, and the average pressure of the gas in the cylinder during the power stroke is 5 x 105Pa. The efficiency of the engine is one of the economic performance indexes of the automobile. Some parameters of a certain automobile provided by the manufacturer are as follows: ① test data: when the automobile is running at a constant speed of 90km / h on a straight road, The fuel consumption per 100 km is 10L, the engine output power is 20kW; ② fuel used: 93 gasoline (calorific value: Q0 = 4.6 × 107j / kg, density: ρ = 0.8 × 103kg / m3). Please use the above parameters to calculate the engine efficiency under the test conditions

ηq0ρV= Fs