1m^3=___ dm^3__ L 1cm^3=___ mL____ L=___ m^3

1m^3=___ dm^3__ L 1cm^3=___ mL____ L=___ m^3

1m ^ 3 = 1000dm ^ 3 = 1000L 1cm ^ 3 = 1ml = 0.001l = 10-6m ^ 3

Fill in the brackets with the appropriate fraction or integer: 18cm = () DM 600ml = () l 125g = () kg 18min = () H 25s = () min

zero point six
zero point one two five
zero point three

1 / 3 of () DM is 30dm; 1 / 3 of 30cm is () cm

One third of (90) DM is 30dm; one third of 30cm is (10) cm